Someones Mother Has Four Sons Riddle Answer Explained

Last Updated on October 14, 2021

Someones Mother Has Four Sons

Someone’s mother has four sons. North, South, and East. What is the name of the fourth son? Private message me the name of the fourth son. If you lose, you have to repost.

You might remember the last “viral” riddle that circulated on Facebook; Your Parents are at the Door. If you got the answer wrong, you had to post an embarrassing photo of yourself, and then post the riddle yourself. Well, now we have a new one flying around. It’s not particularly new, the riddle has been around for quite some time and has a few variations of the wording.

Here is the most common phrasing of the riddle that I found being shared.

Someone’s mother has four sons. North, South, and East. What is the name of the fourth son? Private message me the name of the fourth son. If you lose, you have to repost.

The obvious answer would be the name of the fourth son is West. Right? Well, you would be incredibly wrong and suffering the social media consequences.


Someone is the answer to the fourth son.


The presence of apostrophe in the word someone indicates that someone is the name of mom’s son. As mentioned clearly that North, west, and south are the names of the son. The name of the fourth son is someone.

Alter Answer:

Another possible answer is obtained from the second sentence in the question. The name of the fourth son is What. This is because in the question the sentence “What is the name of the fourth son” does not end in a question mark but rather a full stop. This makes the answer What.

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