How to Apply for Peking University Scholarships in 2021 for International Students

Last Updated on January 12, 2021

Are you looking to apply for Peking University Scholarships in 2021 for international students? If so, then, you would need to know about the processes involved in applying for scholarships. This article aims to provide a candid response to how you can apply for Peking University Scholarships in 2021 for your study abroad.

Studying abroad is undoubtedly a great way to develop additional social, academic and language skills, while adding unparalleled depth to your university experience. Study overseas can improve your university years as well as ultimately give you a competitive edge when it comes to your job search as recruiters are looking for those who have actively used various ways to expand their experience.

While it is true that some students would prefer to apply for scholarships to study abroad at the University of École Polytechnique. Studying at the Peking University offers a variety of unforgettable experiences.

Founded in 1898, Peking University was originally known as the Imperial University of Peking. It was the first national university covering comprehensive disciplines in China, and has been a leading institution of higher education in China since its establishment.

Peking University is a leading university for science research and teaching and has successfully developed applied sciences research and teaching as well. There are 30 colleges and 12 departments, with 93 undergraduate programs, 199 master’s degree programs, and 173 options for doctoral candidates.

Applying for Peking University Scholarships for International Students

The Peking University recognizes student excellence, diversity, and achievement through an array of scholarship opportunities. These scholarships have been developed with international students in mind.

Peking University Academic Excellence Scholarships

Student Candidates:

Third year undergraduates, masters, and doctoral exchange students

Basis Requirements:

1. Candidates must be regular students; they must not be on leave of absence or suspendedfrom the school.

2. Obey all Chinese laws and university rules, register on-time, study hard, and have superior grades.

3. Undergraduates: Starting in their second school year, undergraduates must have passed all required classes with an average GPA of at least 3.0. Undergraduates must have passed all controlled elective classes.

4. Graduate students: Superior grades, great research ability, creative thought are all requisite. Doctoral students who apply for scholarships must have published their thesis and this must have taken place at Peking University and also published in an official publication for your department at Peking University.

Values of Scholarships:

● Doctorate Academic Excellence Scholarship:

    1st Prize: 10,000 RMB 5 students

    2nd Prize:5,000 RMB 10 students

● Masters Academic Excellence Scholarship:

    4,000 RMB 15 students

● Undergraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship:

    3,000 RMB 30 students

(Note: International students who receive scholarships from the Chinese government do not directly receive the scholarship. They will only physically receive a certificate of honor and a souvenir)

Selection of Award Winners

With the recommendation of the student? department, a panel from the Division for International Students office, the Dean? Office, and the Office of Graduate Studies will choose among the candidates and report to the president of the university for final approval.

Schedule Specifics


Individual departments make recommendations of candidates. A list of candidates should be posted in each department for soliciting of opinions. Mid-October individual departments should report their candidate lists and supplementary information to the Division for International Students office.

Supplementary information includes:

   1. International student academic excellence proposal form

    2. Transcript (including GPA of required classes for undergraduates)

    3. Two letters of recommendation from a teacher of the student? department (not necessary

        for undergraduates)

    4. Published thesis


Panel reviews candidate proposals and makes selections, then presents this list to the office of the president for approval.


Scholarships are officially extended to students.

Want more information on scholarships? If so, be sure to visit that section of our site. There’s tons of valuable information on scholarships you may find interesting.

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