FCDC Kenya Recruitment Application Form Portal 2023/2024

Last Updated on June 16, 2023

Applications are invited from interested and suitably qualified and eligible candidates for the Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC) Recruitment 2023.

FCDC Kenya Recruitment

FCDC is a Frontier County Governments’ agency mandated to promote, coordinate and facilitate the active and extensive participation of all sectors to effect the socio-economic development of its member counties through a holistic and integrated approach to promote and strengthen inter-regional linkages to ensure the increased viability of the Frontier county-wide and/or Frontier county-specific programs and projects.

We are recruiting to fill the positions below;

  1. Programme Officer
  2. Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Programme Officer

Job description:

  • Responsible for delivering natural resources and rangelands management outcomes, institutional capacity support, and policy dialogue within the program locations.
  • Organize key stakeholder coordination meetings at the county and national levels, including County Agriculture Sector Steering Committee (CASCOM) and Sector Forum for Agriculture and Livestock (SFAL).
  • In line with the FCDC counties, develop fodder strategy, leadership training, and capacity enhancement to promote fodder production and storage, engage women fodder producers, and pilot the establishment of fodder banks.
  • Closely work with the FCDC Sector Forum for Peace and Cohesion (SFPC) and other programme’s conflict resolution key stakeholders to support the reduction of resource-based conflicts in FCDC counties in line with the programme strategy.
  • Support the establishment of the County and Regional Pastoralist Association to spearhead collaborative arrangements for shared management and use of rangelands in consultation with the Pastoralist Parliamentary Group (PPG) Coordinator.
  • Ensure that FCDCs policies of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) and Gender Equality are fully embedded during implementation and applied in the day-to-day implementation of the programme and ensure that these are effectively captured in the programme reports;
  • Participate in the preparation of annual work plans;
  • Prepare yearly Work Plans and reports – quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports and other periodic updates as requested by the line manager.
  • Represent FCDC and LSS programme in different fora when asked by the management. This includes making presentations on the programme’s progress.
  • Participate in programme routine field visits and contribute to the documentation of results (photos, info-graphs, and testimonials), lessons learnt, reflections and best practices through case studies, etc.
  • Any other duties assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications experience essential, skills, and knowledge:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Range Management, Animal Production, or any related field from a recognized university.
  • An advanced degree in a relevant field will be an added advantage.
  • At least 5 years of experience implementing range management programs in the Horn of Africa region.
  • Excellent communication skills with proven experience in Project Cycle Management (PCM).
  • Experience in the quantification of rangeland ecosystem services and rangeland inventory;
  • Demonstrated understanding of holistic rangeland techniques and their application in rangeland management;
  • Good understanding of Project Management skills
  • Demonstrated understanding of rangeland science through evidence of publications in peer review articles and other media;
  • Good understanding of software applications (Word, Access, Excel, PowerPoint, statistical packages);
  • Excellent interpersonal, negotiation, and facilitation skills.
  • Experience in working with major donors, including SDC, USAID, World Bank, e.t.c
  • Experience working with people from diverse backgrounds demonstrates high respect for cultural differences.
  • Ability to work in challenging multi-cultural environments and deliver under tight schedules.
  • Honest and efficient in the use of resources, including own time.

Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Job description:

  • Responsible for setting up and implementing an M&E system by setting up a results monitoring system (RMS) – both qualitative and quantitative data collection. This aims to create routine/regular programme performance monitoring for adaptive programming.
  • Establishing a programme database (digitalize RMS) for the management of program data and information.
  • Ensure that FCDCs policies of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) and Gender Equality are fully embedded during implementation and applied in the day-to-day implementation of the program and ensure that these are effectively captured in the program reports;
  • Participate (together with PCU) in the preparation of annual work plans;
  • Coordinate all M&E activities related to baseline studies, midterm reviews, and program end-line evaluations
  • Responsible for timely preparation and submission of all Program reports – quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports in close collaboration with project officers.
  • Represent FCDC and LSS program in different fora when asked by the management. This includes making presentations of the FCDC secretariat and the programme’s progress.
  • Participate in programme routine field visits and contribute to the documentation of results (photos, info-graphs and testimonials), and lessons learnt reflections and best practices through case studies, etc.
  • In consultation with the programme coordination team, develop project risk management tools in line with the existing project risk management matrix.
  • Support in developing TOR for external consultants for baseline surveys, assessments, and studies.
  • Lead the development of knowledge management and learning platform and support the facilitation of learning and sharing of innovative models and successes of the program within the framework of strengthening the Program Learning agenda.
  • Any other duty assigned by the supervisor.

Qualifications, experience essential, skills, and knowledge

  • Bachelor’s degree in Arts, Social Sciences, Economics, Statistics, Development Studies, or any other related field from a recognized university.
  • An advanced degree in M&E, Project Management, or Social Science will be an added advantage.
  • Excellent communication skills with proven experience in Project Cycle Management (PCM).
  • At least 5 years of demonstration in applying M&E systems and frameworks and successful coordination of M&E functions and experience
  • A grounded understanding of qualitative and quantitative methodologies in research and evaluation.
  • Experience with database design and management, including advanced use of Excel and data analysis and entry packages, including SPSS data analysis. Mobile data collection skills are required, while basic GIS mapping skills are an added advantage.
  • Experience in preparing logical frameworks and an excellent understanding of the theory of change.
  • Experience in developing proposals for projects and programs.
  • Excellent communication skills with proven experience in project design, planning, monitoring, and reporting; and the ability to write clear and informative reports.
  • Experience in working with people from diverse backgrounds, demonstrating high respect for cultural differences.
  • Good team player and can communicate effectively in both speaking and writing English and Kiswahili.
  • Experience in working with major donors including SDC, USAID, World Bank, e.t.c
  • Honest and efficient in the use of resources, including own time.

Method of Application

Interested candidates should submit applications via email to info@fcdc.or.ke by 26th June 2023. The application should include a cover letter and detailed CV indicating their qualifications for the role with three referees, including one from the current/immediate supervisor.

The Curriculum Vitae and Cover Letter should be sent as a single document with the email subject titled: “Programme Officer – Rangelands Management.” Applications will, however, be reviewed on a rolling basis, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.

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