Call For Applications: ASEAN Youth Forum #YouthCHERISH Challenge 2022

Last Updated on August 26, 2022

ASEAN Youth Forum #YouthCHERISH Challenge

ASEAN Youth Forum (AYF) has been bringing youth in Southeast Asia together. With Raoul Wellenberg Institute (RWI), this time, they challenge the youth to create social media campaigns. It is a four-week challenge to create Instagram posts about Human Rights, Climate Change, Gender Equality, and Environment.

Challenge Description

Week #1 “I imagine we could stop deforestation if….” 

  • Deforestation is a vast and complex topic. While all the orangutans and other animals are dying in the forests, plants and trees are starting to disappear. Think about one thing we could do to stop it!
  • Complete the phrase “I imagine we could stop deforestation if…” by mentioning one thing you think we need to do to stop deforestation in Southeast Asia. You can go big by thinking about what corporations, governments, leaders, and communities need to do. AND you, too, can go into detail by thinking about what YOU, an empowered individual, can do! Elaborate your answers! Why do you think it is essential to stop deforestation?

Week #2 “How was it for you?”

  • Talk to one of your favorite older women (be it your mother, your aunt, your grand-mom, or even your neighbor!) and ask her these questions: How was it for you to grow up as a woman? Is there one particular challenge that you would like to share with me?
  • Reflect on her answers and think about how it is similar and/or different to today’s condition. Share her response and your reflection on it with us! 
  • If she’s fine with having her picture posted on your Instagram feed, it would be nice to see it there! Or, what about posting a picture of you both together?

Week #3 My favorite quote on Human Rights is….

  • Human Rights is a broad topic. And we believe that you have many quotes reminding you of its importance and fighting for it. Please share with us one of your favorites, that one quote that keeps you moving with care for other beings and your surroundings! Let us know why it is your favorite.
  • You can be creative by making a video of you stating the quote and your reason for choosing it. Or making a digital poster out of it! Anyhow, we believe in your charm!

Week #4 “Dear….” 

  • You are young; the future is still a long way to go. But, let’s think about those little beings that (will) come after you. You can think about your future kids (if you want to have any!); you can think about your nieces/nephews; you can think about your younger cousins. Or, you can even think about the baby elephants! Imagine the earth that you WANT to hand over to them. 
  • Write about 100-250 words of meaningful letters to them.


  • The 1st winner will get the honor of getting featured in an interview with RWI and receiving $100 USD. 
  • The three best perspectives (1st, 2nd, and 3rd winners) will be featured on AYF and RWI social media accounts.


  • Open to youth in the ASEAN region;
  • You must be 18 to 35 years old to join the challenge and be eligible to win the prize.


Here’s how you can join the challenge and tell the world that you do care: 

  • Make sure you follow both AYF and @rwi_jakarta on Instagram.
  • You must be 18 to 35 years old to join the challenge and be eligible to win the prize. But, if you are below 18 years old, feel free to do the challenge for fun!
  • Make sure your Instagram profile is public and do the challenge accordingly AND creatively, and finish it before September 11, 2022, at 10 pm (GMT +7, Jakarta Bangkok Time).
  • Post the weekly challenge on your Instagram feed. Then, share the post on your Insta-story!
  • Do one challenge per week! 
  • Tag & @rwi_jakarta and use the below hashtags – #ExpressYouthVoices and #YouthCHERISH for both Instagram feed and story!
  • Create a highlight on your Instagram for this challenge and add each Insta-story to the highlight.
  • Once finished, submit the link of the highlight via this form before September 12, 2022, at 10 pm (GMT +7, Jakarta Bangkok Time).

For more information, visit #YouthCHERISH Challenge

Deadline: September 12, 2022

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