TSC Kenya Recruitment 2023/2024 Online Application Form

Last Updated on August 26, 2023

TSC Kenya Recruitment

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) of Kenya is an Independent Commission established under the Constitution of Kenya to manage human resources within the education sector. It is based in the capital city, Nairobi with offices in all 47 Counties.

We are recruiting to fill the positions below;

  1. Chief Principal (Regular Secondary School)
  2. Senior Principal (Regular Secondary School) (108 Posts)
  3. Principal (Regular Secondary School) (541 Posts)
  4. Deputy Principal II (Regular Secondary School) (547 Posts)
  5. Senior Lecturer I (T-Scale 12)
  6. Deputy Principal III (Regular Secondary School) (1057 POSTS)
  7. Senior Master III (Regular School) (1142 Posts)
  8. Senior Lecture IV (TTC)- 216 Posts
  9. Senior Master IV (Regular School)- 12,716 Posts
  10. Secondary Teacher I (Regular School)- 928 Posts
  11. Head Teacher (Regular Primary School)- 1049 Posts
  12. Head Teacher (SNE Primary School)- Hearing Impairment (15 Posts)
  13. Head Teacher (SNE Primary School)- Intellectual Disability (10 posts)
  14. Head Teacher (SNE Primary School)- Autism (1 Posts)
  15. Head Teacher (SNE Primary School)- Physical Impairment (2 Posts)
  16. Head Teacher (SNE Primary School)- Visual Impairment (2 Posts)
  17. Deputy Head Teacher II (Regular Primary School) (1,930 Posts)
  18. Senior Teacher I (Regular Primary School)– 3,040 Posts
  19. Senior Teacher I (SNE Primary School)- 346 Posts
  20. Senior Teacher II (Regular Primary School) (10,819 Posts)
  21. Senior Teacher II (SNE Primary School) (700 Posts)
  22. Senior Principal (SNE Secondary School)
  23. Senior Master I I (T-scale 12 )
  24. Senior Master II (SNE Secondary School)
  25. Senior Master III (SNE Secondary School)
  26. Senior Master IV (SNE Secondary School)
  27. Secondary Teacher I (SNE Secondary School)
  28. Principal (SNE Secondary School)

Method of Application

NB: – Candidates in Asal and Hard to staff counties who have served in the current grade for at least 2 years are eligible.

Candidates who are successful in the interviews shall be required to present valid Chapter 6 documents before they are appointed.


Candidates who will be successful in the interviews shall be required to present valid Chapter six documents before they are considered for appointment.

Interested and qualified? Go toTeachers Service Commission (TSC) on tsconline.tsc.go.ke to apply.

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