How to transfer airtime on MTN to MTN for the first time

Last Updated on March 2, 2023

Looking for a quick way to transfer MTN airtime to another MTN line? Do you have extra airtime to share with other MTN users? If so, we will share with you this important guide on how you can transfer MTN airtime to other MTN users. Stay with us.

How To Transfer MTN Airtime

Are you an MTN subscriber? Do you have extra airtime you want to share with another MTN line and don’t know how to go about it?  Have you heard of MTN Share? MTN Share is a service by which you can transfer airtime (credit) from your MTN account to another MTN subscriber’s account. MTN Share can be used by all new and existing prepaid and subscribed subscribers on the MTN network. You can now broadcast airtime for free.

IMPORTANT: MTN credit transfer is only allowed on MTN accounts to other MTN customers’ accounts.

This article will walk you through how to share MTN airtime and have full instructions on how to do it yourself.

How To Transfer MTN Airtime To Another MTN Line

With MTN ‘share n sell,’ you can transfer your airtime or credit to your family or friends using MTN sim but first, you need to reset your MTN transfer pin.

How to Change Transfer Pin on MTN

Before you can be able to transfer MTN airtime to another MTN line you need to change your default transfer pin which is 0000.

This pin was automatically assigned to you by MTN for making transfers, but you wouldn’t want to use that would you? I guess not, you’re smarter than that.

RELATED: All MTN Codes in Nigeria

For security reasons, it’s important to change this transfer pin first to your own personal pin that you can remember in order to avoid the illegal transfer of your airtime from unauthorized people. Now how do you do that?

There are basically two ways of changing or resetting your MTN transfer pin.

1. Through Text Message

To use this method using your mobile device just go to message > create a message and write using this format – Default pin[space]New pin[space]New pin and send to this MTNnumber 777

Example: if the personal pin you want to change to is 2938 then your message should go like this; 0000 2938 2938 send to 777

Make sure you repeat your new pin twice as done up there, it’s very important for confirmation.

After sending the text, you’ll receive a notification message confirming your change of pin.

Remember: 0000 was your default pin and you won’t be needing it again while 2938 is the new pin you’ll be transferring with and don’t share it with anyone.

If you can’t go through all the message methods of changing your transfer pin don’t worry, there is an easier method of doing that, follow-through below.

2. Through USSD Code

Don’t waste time just dial *600*Default pin*New pin*New pin#

Example: if your new pin is 2938 then using your phone dial *600*0000*2938*2938# and send(call).

That’s it you have successfully changed your transfer pin. You can now transfer MTNairtime to another MTN line using your new pin, see how to do it below very easily.

What You Should Know about Airtime Transfer

  • You can transfer up to NGN100,000.00 from your phone to either a single or multiple MTN accounts every day.
  • There is no limit to the maximum number of transactions per day.
  • If your MTN prepaid account does not have enough airtime to cover the amount you have requested to transfer, the transaction will not be completed and you will receive an error message.
  • Airtime transfer attracts a fee
  • The most you can be charged is N10 per transfer
  • The minimum amount that can be transferred is N50
  • The airtime transfer service designed to enable subscribers to share airtime only within their network. So, Mtn to MTN, Glo to Glo, etc.
  • The default pin code is 0000 or 0000 depending on how many digits they require.
  • You can only transfer in Naira amounts and not in kobo, i.e. you can transfer NGN71.00 but not NGN71.99.
  • You can transfer between NGN50.00 – NGN5,000.00 in a single transaction.
  • If you are a postpaid customer, you will only be able to transfer airtime when your account is in positive. You will not be able to transfer airtime when your account is negative (-). For example, if your account balance is N-300.00.
  • You will not be able to use MTN Share. On the other hand, if your account balance is N1,000.00 you will be able to transfer airtime up to the available N1,000.00 in your account.

Steps on How to Transfer Airtime from one MTN Line to Another

Go to your phone’s message > create a message and write using this format; Transfer[space]Recipient’s phone no.[space]Airtime amount[space]Transfer pin and send to 777.

Example: if you want to send N500 to this mtn line 08123456789 with your new pin 2938 then your message should go like this; Transfer 08123456789 500 2938 then send to 777.

After sending you’ll receive a message telling you to confirm the transfer, just reply to the message with YES to 777. Once it’s confirmed N500 will be deducted from your airtime account and transferred to the recipient’s airtime account.

How To Transfer Airtime From MTN To MTN Line Using USSD Code

This is another simple method to transfer MTN airtime to another MTN line.

Using your phone dial *600*Recipient’s phone no.*Airtime amount*Transfer pin#

Example: if you want to send N500 to this mtn line 08123456789 with your new pin 2938 just dial;

*600*08123456789*500*2938# and then send/call

Very easy right? lest I forget…

A service fee will be charged for any transfer you make.

N1 – N100 transfer will cost you N3

N101 – N500 transfer will cost you N5

N501 – 5000 transfer will cost you N10

Faqs on How To Transfer MTN Airtime

How Can I Transfer Airtime from MTN to MTN Line?

To transfer credit from mtn to Mtn line, go to create a message on your mobile device and type in this format;  Transfer[space]Recipient’s phone no.[space]Airtime amount[space]Transfer pin and send to 777.

Example: Transfer 08123456789 500 2938 then send it to 777. After sending you’ll receive a message telling you to confirm the transfer, just reply to the message with YES to 777.

Or you dial *600*08123456789*500*2938# and then send/call. A service fee will be charged for any transfer you make.

How Can I get the MTN Credit Transfer Pin?

To get MTN credit transfer pin,  go to message > create a message and write using this format – Default pin[space]New pin[space]New pin and send to this mtn number 777.

Example: if the personal pin you want to change to is 2938 then your message should go like this; 0000 2938 2938 send to 777

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