StarTimes Kenya Packages, Prices & Channels 2023

Last Updated on February 21, 2023

StarTimes Kenya Packages, Prices & Channels

StarTimes is a leading provider of satellite TV in Kenya. StarTimes Kenya offers a wide variety of packages and channels to meet the needs of its customers. For those looking for Startimes Packages, Channels & Prices, here is everything you need to know about StarTimes!

Startimes offers a wide variety of channels for people to watch, such as M-Net Movies and Series, Startimes Sports Channels, Startimes Entertainment Channel, and many more! Startime also has a range of packages customized according to your budget and preference.

Startimes has a range of packages available, which you can customize according to your budget and preference. You will find Startimes Kenya Packages, Channels & Prices below:

StarTimes Kenya Packages & Prices

Startimes Kenya local channels, or call them StarTimes Kenya bouquets, are divided into two categories;

  1. The Antenna
  2. The Dish

The Digital terrestrial technology bouquet operates under a terrestrial (Aerial) platform, while DTH runs on a satellite platform. Check the table below for prices and bouquets.

StarTimes Kenya also has the HD Combo decoder to receive DTH and DDT signals. The decoder retails at Ksh 1,999 and comes with a free one-month DTH Super Bouquet and a one-month DTH Unique Bouquet.

DTH Bouquets

BouquetMonthly FeeChannels
NovaKsh 49942 Channels
SmartKsh 99949 Channels
ChineseKsh 1,99924 Channels
SuperKsh 1,49926 Channels

 DDT Packages

BouquetMonthly FeeChannels
Classic BouquetKsh 89972+ Channels
BasicKsh 59931+ Channels
Nyota BouquetKsh 29927+ Channels

StarTimes Kenya payment methods

Here is how you can pay for Startimes Kenya Packages, Channels & Prices:

  • M-pesa through the Startime PayBill Number 585858.
  • Orange Money -Business Number: 585858
  • MTN Mobile Money
  • Through Airtel Money – Business name: Startimes
  • iPay and various banks.
  • Coop Bank MCash
  • Equity Bank EZZAY 247

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