SASSA Releases Grant Payment Dates For September 2023

Last Updated on August 28, 2023

SASSA Grant Payment Dates

SASSA Grant Payment Dates For September 2023 – With August almost coming to an end, it’s time for the latest SASSA grant payment dates to be issued. Knowing when and where SASSA grants are being paid is very important for beneficiaries.

The Social Relief of Distress Grant was introduced during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has become a lifeline for millions of vulnerable South Africans who depend on social grants to survive. Because of this it is the most popular social grant.

The R350 SRD Grant is available to South African citizens, permanent residents, asylum seekers and special permit holders if they are without any income source. The success of the SRD grant has encouraged those who support the introduction of a Basic Income Grant in South Africa.

Sassa grants which South Africans can benefit from include also include the Old persons grant, the Child Support grant and the Disability grant.

Sassa Payment Dates

The South African Social Security Agency (Sassa) is responsible for disbursing these Sassa grants under the authority of the Social Assistance Act. They fall under the National Department of Social Development in South Africa.

The pay dates for the grants will vary per month and you can visit our website each month for the details of when the pay dates will be. Payment dates are getting easier as more Sassa beneficiaries use their bank accounts for receiving their payments.

Although you can get your Sassa grants from many supermarkets and other stores, giving Sassa your banking details still seems like the best way to go. You can find a financial institution that has low levels of costs for transactions and submit those bank account details to Sassa.

Then on the payment date you will simply receive money in your bank account.

Sassa Grant Payment Schedule For September 2023

Keeping up with Sassa’s grant payment schedule is very important. So with this in mind, here are the dates on which beneficiaries can expect their Sassa grant payments:

  • Older Person’s Grant: 5 September
  • Disability Grant: 6 September
  • Children’s grant: 7 September

COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant Payment Dates

According to Sassa, there is no set payment date for the Sassa Social Relief of Distress Grant (SRD) grant because it is a temporary grant.

Sassa has urged recipients of the SRD grant to be patient should they not see their payment dates on the website, as this means that the payment has not yet been processed but it will soon be processed.

It’s good to remember there is no fixed payment date for the R350 SRD Grant but Sassa has said that the SRD grant is paid after the 25th of every month.

How To Collect Your Sassa Grant

Sassa’s permanent social grant beneficiaries usually have to have access to a bank account in order to access their grant payments. This usually takes the form of using a Sassa Gold card which can be used in most retail outlets such as Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Boxer stores, Usave stores and Checkers or a traditional bank account.

Where To Collect Your R350 Grant

R350 Grant Beneficiaries can choose to have their grant paid directly into their bank account. This allows them to access the money as soon as it is available.

SRD grantholders can also access their grant payments through the CashSend payment option and retail stores such as Pick N Pay, Checkers, Shoprite and Boxer stores.

How much Sassa grants will be for September 2023

  • Older Persons grant – R2 080
  • Older Persons (75 years and older) – R2 100
  • Disability grant – R2 080
  • War Veterans grant – R2 100
  • Child Support grant – R500
  • Child Support grant (Top-up) – R500 + R250
  • Care Dependency grant – R2 080
  • Foster Care grant – R1 120
  • Grant-In-Aid – R500
  • Social Relief of Distress Grant – R350

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