Last Updated on March 30, 2023

The Public Service Commission is the Constitution body that has oversight of Civil Servants only within the Public Service. The Commission is responsible for the movement of Civil Servants, i.e. recruiting, appointing persons to act, promoting individuals, transferring individuals, granting duty, study and special leave, granting leave without pay in excess of three months, medically boarding officers, demoting, conducting disciplinary hearings, terminating/dismissing or disciplining, approving retirement (in some cases), etc.
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Public Service Commission Kenya Recruitment 2023
We are currently recruiting to fill the following positions;
- Chief Land Registrar – (1) Post
- Senior Deputy Chief Land Registrar (2 Post)
Chief Land Registrar – (1) Post
V/NO. 17/2023
a candidate must:
- be a citizen of Kenyan;
- possess a degree from a university recognized in Kenya;
- have been an advocate of the High Court of Kenya of not less than ten (10) years standing;
- have at least ten (10) years’ experience in land administration or management; and meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya.
- A person shall NOT be qualified for appointment as Chief Land Registrar if he/she:
- has been convicted of a felony; is an undischarged bankrupt;
- has not met his or her legal obligations in relation to tax; has benefited from or facilitated an unlawful and irregular allocation or acquisition of land or other public property; or has been removed from office for contravening the provisions of the Constitution.
Duties and Responsibilities
- The Chief Land Registrar will be responsible for administering, interpreting, implementing and enforcing land registration provisions in the Constitution of Kenya,Land Registration Act, No. 3 of 2012 and The Land Laws (Amendment) Act, No. 2016, The Land Act No. 6. of 2012, National Land Commission Act. No. 5 of 2012, Community Land Act 2016, Sectional Properties Act. No. 21 of 1987, Registration of Documents Act cap 164 and other relevant statutes.
Duties and responsibilities include:
- formulating practice instructions and guidelines for implementation of the land registration policies and strategies;
- providing advice on all land registration matters, setting standards for the land and supervision of registries;
- preparing and submitting an annual report on the state of land registration to the Commission and the Cabinet Secretary;
- hearing and determining appeals from the registries;
- approving the format of any instrument which is not in accordance with the prescribed form;
- require any person to produce any instrument, certificate or other document or plan relating to the land, lease or charge in question, and that person shall produce the same;
- summon any person to appear and give any information or explanation in respect to land, a lease, charge, instrument, certificate, document or plan relating to the land, lease or charge in question, and that person shall appear and give the information or explanation;
- refuse to proceed with any registration if any instrument, certificate or other document, plan, information or explanation required to be produced or given is withheld or any act required to be performed under the Act is not performed;
- cause oaths to be administered or declarations taken and may require that any proceedings, information or explanation affecting registration shall be verified on oath or by statutory declaration;
- order that the costs, charges and expenses as prescribed under this Act, incurred by the office or by any person in connection with any investigation or hearing held by the Registrar for the purposes of the Act shall be borne and paid by such persons and in such proportions as he may think fit;
- overseeing Land Registration functions in County and Central Registry;
- overseeing issuance of Titles emanating from Land Adjudication, Settlement and other resources;
- conversion of existing Titles to the Land Registration Act 2012;
- senior collector of stamp duty and coordinating management of franking machines from private firms; and
- preparation of grants, leases and other title documents pertaining to land allocated by the National Land Commission.
Senior Deputy Chief Land Registrar (2 Post)
V/NO. 18./2023
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –
- served for a minimum period of twelve (12) years and currently serving in the grade of Deputy Chief Land Registrar CSG 6 or in a comparable relevant position in the wider Public Service;
- a Bachelors degree in Law (LLB) from a University recognized in Kenya, plus a Post Graduate Diploma in Law from a recognized institution; and be an advocate of the High Court of Kenya;
- a Bachelors degree in any of the following disciplines: Land Economics, Land Survey or equivalent qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- a Masters degree in any of the following disciplines: Law, Land Economics, Land Survey or its equivalent qualification from a University recognized in Kenya;
- membership to a relevant professional body;
- thorough knowledge of the various land registration laws and related statutes; and
- demonstrated professional competence and capability to manage, supervise, direct and co-ordinate all land registration matters effectively.
Duties and Responsibilities at this level include:
- coordinating development, implementation and review of land registration policies, strategies and programmes;
- interpreting, implementing and enforcing relevant land registration statutes and regulations;
- coordinating formulation of practice instructions and guidelines for implementation of the land registration policies and strategies;
- overseeing responses and attendance to court summons on land registration matters;
- coordinating collection, adjudication, refund and recovery of stamp duties and land registration fees and penalties;
- coordinating land registrations appeals;
- resolving complaints on land registration matters, facilitating alternative disputes resolution;
- coordinating conversion of land registration records from one statute to another;
- coordinating preparation of certificate of incorporation under Trustees Perpetual Succession Act (Cap.164);
- coordinating research on land registration trends and emerging issues;
- approving gazettement and replacement of lost titles; and
- maintaining a database of registered land countrywide.
Method of Application
Applications are invited from qualified persons for the positions shown below.
Interested and qualified persons are requested to make their applications ONLINE through the Commission website: or jobs portal:
Please Note:
- Applicants should provide all the details requested for in the advertisement. It is an offence to include incorrect information in the application. Details of academic and professional certificates not obtained by closure of the advert should not be included.
- Only shortlisted and successful applicants will be contacted.
- Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
- The Public Service Commission is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenya’s diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities.
Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, academic and professional certificates and transcripts during interviews.
It is a criminal offence to present fake certificates/documents.
Serving officers shall be required to produce the original letter of appointment to their current substantive post during the interview.
Applications should reach the Commission on or before 17th April 2023 (Latest 5 pm East African Time).