PSCK Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 (PDF)

Last Updated on August 3, 2023

If you want to know if you have been shortlisted for employment at the Public Service Commission (PSCK), this is for you. This article provides the necessary information on how to check the list of PSCK shortlisted candidates 2023 (PDF).

PSC Kenya Shortlisted Candidates

The Public Service Commission is the Constitution body that has oversight of  Civil Servants only within the Public Service. The Commission is responsible for the movement of Civil Servants, i.e. recruiting, appointing persons to act, promoting individuals, transferring individuals, granting duty, study and special leave, granting leave without pay in excess of  three months, medically boarding officers, demoting, conducting disciplinary hearings, terminating/dismissing or disciplining, approving retirement (in some cases), etc

PSCK Shortlisted Candidates 2023

Applicants who applied for the earlier announced PSCK recruitment can now check if they have been recruited or not. however, it is important to note that the PSCK shortlisted candidates list 2023 is yet to be released so ensure that you check the PSC Kenya recruitment portal on a daily basis as the list of shortlisted candidates would be released there alternatively, you can bookmark this page as it would be updated once the list is out.

One comment

  1. Caleb Orao says:

    I apply has a driver at jsc, and I haven’t seen the list for drivers and when are they going for interviews

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