Last Updated on January 30, 2023
Persuasive speech topics are a discussion that is very important to us today. Most of the time in college, you will have to make one or more persuasive speeches. While most students think writing a persuasive speech is a nightmare, choosing the right topic is actually more difficult. Undoubtedly, choosing the right persuasive speech topics is an important part of your A1 speech presentation.
Thus, unless the topic is right, no matter what your content and delivery are, you will fail to make an impact. Therefore, one has to be very wise and cautious while making this decision. Consequently, before we jump onto listing the top persuasive speech topics 2023, let’s understand some important prerequisites.
Table of Contents
What is a Persuasive Speech?
Technically, persuasive speech is a special kind of speech in which an individual has to convince the audience to agree with his/ her point of view. Any persuasive speech is organized in a manner so as to expose the audience to different points at different times. The ultimate objective is to ensure that the audience understands what the presenter has to say and agrees to the views to at least a certain extent.
Undoubtedly, it is humanly impossible to persuade the entire audience to go with one’s point of view with just a single speech. Additionally, as citizens of a democracy, each one of us is entitled to our opinion. Therefore, within limits, persuasive speeches focus on getting maximum agreement on the presenter’s point of view.
Components of a Persuasive Speech
To make a persuasive speech utmost effective, it should strike a perfect balance between logical and emotional appeals. Additionally, as a student of persuasive speech, you must understand the difference between these two components.
Logical or reasonable appeals refer to presenting the audience with well researched facts and figures. A logical appeal contains robust and comprehensive statistics that persuade the audience. Consequently, an effective persuasive speech is full of statistics. Thus, it helps the audience believe the presenter’s point of view.
For instance, if you are delivering a persuasive speech on negative impact of global warming, statistics about the melting ice caps, danger to marine life, etc, can add value to your speech. Logical appeals aim to accentuate the practical applicability of your speech and motivate the audience to believe your stand. Additionally, it triggers a thought in the minds of the audience that such data driven speech is worth a belief.
Emotional Appeals Bridge the gap between statistics and a strong audience connects. Best delivered through storytelling, emotional appeals augment the value of your logical statements. For instance, if you simply state that the polar caps are melting at ‘x’ rate, it might be informative but not yet persuasive.
To persuade the audience with your statistics, wrap them in a beautiful narrative about the consequences of the data you present. Born with the basic human need of emotions, all of us find an emotional appeal to be more persuasive.
For a persuasive speech to be effective, it needs to balance both the components. The absence of statistics or storytelling with emotions will only be a half baked delivery and will defeat the purpose.
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Importance of Persuasive Speeches
While preparing persuasive speeches, most students wonder if they will have any relevance in their future. Therefore, it is important for all students to note that persuasive speeches have real world value. Additionally, the ability to deliver persuasive speeches will be an asset to every student while earning a living. Undoubtedly, right from getting a job to excelling in one’s professional career, persuasive speeches can come in handy.
As a result, persuasive speeches enable students to make a stand not only based on facts and figures, but also wrap it in an emotional appeal which the audience relates to. Therefore, strong persuasive speech delivery is a must for every student looking to make it big.
It goes without saying that the foundation of a good persuasive speech lies in the topic you select. Therefore, make sure that the persuasive speech topics for 2021 that you select are close to your heart. Undoubtedly, to make an emotional appeal to the audience and bend their support in your wing, it is important for you to believe in the topic.
Unless you are convinced about what you are putting out there, you will be unable to convince the audience either. Therefore, begin your search for the top persuasive speech topics for 2021 with a basic understanding of the topic. Thus, without a comprehensive understanding, you cannot make a point. Therefore, complement your understanding with impressive storytelling to ensure that you have a good narrative for the topic you select.
Thus, let’s delve into the list of top persuasive speech topics for 2022 that you must check out-
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Arts
- Importance of performing arts for holistic development
- Should art be a compulsory discipline?
- Graffiti: Art or Nuisance
- Importance of art and culture
- Should performing arts be made credit based
- Museums are the dying reservoir of arts and culture
- Entry to museums should be free
- Schools should host annual arts festivals
- The slow death of ancient art forms
- Modern art lacks authenticity
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Economy
- Brexit will fuel the UK economy
- There should be no minimum wage
- Political unrest decelerates economic growth
- Economics as a discipline must be mandatory
- Economic growth of China is a model to follow
- Free trade agreements are bad for labour
- Economy is defined by few rich industrialists
- Foreign labor slows down the economy
- Import duty should be removed
- Exports boost economic growth
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Entertainment
- Reality shows are a source of exploitation
- Reality shows are anything but real
- Media has a negative influence on teenagers
- Media influences political decisions
- TV shows influence human behaviour
- TV shows reflect the society around
- Reality shows reduce human IQ
- TV shows are a great source of motivation
- Reality shows are scripted
- Reality shows dilute important topics of discussion
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Academics
- Books are the only source of learning
- Computer based learning is most effective
- Gamification and virtual reality is the future of education
- MCQs are better than essay tests
- Extracurriculars are a waste of time
- Only main papers should be considered for grading
- Academics are the only criteria for individual success
- Rote learning is the best way to get good grades
- Conceptual clarity beats rote learning
- Sports can boost learning effectiveness
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Ethics
- Juvenile delinquency is acceptable
- Prostitution should be legal
- Underage driving should be punishable by law
- Beauty pageants for children should be banned
- Prisoner’s right to vote
- Voting rights should not be universal
- Guns should be banned from college campuses
- Death penalty should be abolished
- Substance abuse is a cause of social evils
- Underage alcohol consumption should lead to prison time
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Environment
- There should be strict penalties to protect endangered species
- Environmental pollution is a global concern
- Developed nations are to blame for global warming
- Greenhouse effect threatens human existence
- Limiting use of natural resources and fossil fuels
- Complete switch to renewable energy is the way to go
- Using plastic is self defeating
- Humans are to blame for environmental degradation
- Carpooling can save the environment
- Noise pollution is detrimental to human development
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Fashion
- Men shouldn’t wear pink
- Eco- fashion is the future
- Fashion reveals true identity
- Sustainable clothing is the way to go
- Clothes define a person
- Jewelry defines your worth
- Fashion is an important part of society
- Certain fashion brands have a negative influence on society
- Fashion industry has the greatest influence on teenagers
- Celebrity endorsed fashion brands are the best
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Motivation
- Following dreams is hard
- Goal setting is important for success
- Overcoming stage fright is crucial for success
- Importance of creating a positive vibe
- Sustainable living is the source of motivation
- Happiness can be measured
- Personal experience is more important than rote learning
- Exposure to violence leads to demotivation
- Video games increase motivation
- Motivating teamwork and cooperation
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Travel
- Airline tickets should be cheaper
- Travel brings new experiences
- Travel makes you more inclusive
- Eco- tourism is important for sustainable development
- Flying first class is a once in a lifetime experience
- Travelling in a guided group is monotonous
- Solo travel allows the best way to self exploration
- Antarctica should not be open for tourists
- Environmentally endangered sites should not allow tourism
- Tourism boosts local economy
Top Persuasive Speech Topics 2023 on Technology
- Google is the death of libraries
- Social media is an end of face to face conversations
- AI is the future of technology
- Technology is changing our lives
- Limiting screen time for adults
- Government should regulate internet usage
- Technology has made life better
- Internet chat rooms are not safe
- Humans are addicted to technology
- Internet fraud awareness: Must for cybersecurity
Thus, the above-mentioned are but a few persuasive speech topics for 2023 that you may consider taking up.
We hope you found this information interesting and helpful.