Last Updated on July 19, 2023

The Northern Water Works Development Agency (NWWDA) was earlier established as Northern Water Services Boards through a Kenya Gazette Notice No. 1716 dated 12th March 2004 as a State Corporation under the State Corporations Act and the Water Act 2002. The water Act 2016 was enacted and the Northern Water Services Board, was gazetted as Northern Water Works Development Agency vide special issue of Kenya Gazette No. 28 dated 26th April 2019. Northern Water Works Development Agency covers an area of 244,860 Km2 (about 43% of Kenya) with a population of approximately 4.05 million people and approximately 70% of livestock population in Kenya. The Agency is responsible for the development, maintenance and management of water and sewerage infrastructure in 7 counties namely:-Garissa, wajir, Mandera, Isiolo, Laikipia, Samburu and Marsabit.
We are recruiting to fill the positions below;
- Chief Executive Officer
- General Manager -Infrastructure Development
Chief Executive Officer
REF: NWWDA/Job-01/2023
Job Specification
The specific duties and responsibilities of the CEO will involve: –
- Providing strategic leadership to the senior management and staff of the Agency;
- Guide in the development and implementation of relevant policies and procedures that gives the Agency positive perception and competitiveadvantage;
- Being responsible for day-to-day operations of the Agency;
- Manage internal multidisciplinary teams to ensure set objectives are met;
- Facilitate the preparation and implementation of the Agency’s strategic and annual work plans;
- Facilitate regular reporting on the status of performance of agency;
- Being responsible for the execution and communication of the Board’s strategies, decisions and policies;
- Ensuring that the organization has an effective management structure including succession plans;
- Coordinate resource mobilization to enhance realization of the strategic objectives;
- Foster relationship with the relevant Ministries, development partners and other stakeholders for the benefit of the Agency;
- Ensure prudent management of all available resources of the Agency;
- Ensure adherence to relevant national and international conventions and treaties;
- Foster conducive corporate culture that promotes ethical practices and good governance in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010;
- Coordinate the preparation of the budget and financial reports for consideration and approval by the Board;
- Develop networks and partnerships with development partners and spearhead donor collaboration, fundraising and project development within the Agency’s area of jurisdiction;
- Ensure compliance with any Government policies and regulatory guidelines and directives;
- Serving as the link between the Board and the Management and other stakeholders;
- Being responsible for stakeholder management and the enhancement of the corporate image of the organization.
Person Specification
For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have/be: –
- Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University.
- Master’s Degree from a recognized University.
- Have at least Fifteen (15) years proven experience in a relevant field.
- At least five (5) years relevant work experience in senior management position.
- Leadership course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Demonstrate professional competency and managerial capability as reflected in work performance and results.
- Professional qualification and membership of a professional body.
- Proficiency in computer applications.
- Fulfil the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya 2010.
Key Competencies and Skills
- Strong Strategic thinking skills
- Strong analytical skills
- Strong communication and reporting skills
- Strong Mentoring and Coaching skills
- Ability to lead and work with teams
- Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills
Terms of Service
- The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) shall serve for a contractual period of three (3) years renewable once for a similar period subject to satisfactory performance and delivery of set performance targets and outcomes set and evaluated by the Board
General Manager -Infrastructure Development
Ref: NWWDA/Job-02/2023
Job Specification
The Duties and Responsibilities will entail:
- Develop water and sanitation infrastructure investment programs;
- Oversee construction and maintenance of structural works;
- Participate in formulation of policies on infrastructure development for implementation;
- Advise the Board and the CEO on all project technical matters;
- Approve identified water or sanitation projects;
- Ensure implementation of policies and programs on water/sanitation project;
- Approve technical reports on implementation, and maintenance;
- Coordinate and supervise construction of all water/sanitation projects;
- Ensure safe custody of all information on projects;
- Verify and authorize technical reports and designs and estimates drawings;
- Ensure that all projects are constructed as per the acceptable construction industry standards;
- Coordinate the Construction of Water and Sanitation infrastructure within the agency’s area of jurisdiction.
- Development and implementation of the Departments Work plan
- Ensure stakeholder engagement during project implementation.
- Examining the design documents to ensure they meet the accepted standard for implementation.
- Coordinate the production of project implementation reports.
- Approve the projects certificates for payment
- Coordinates the site handing over to the contractors
- Coordinates the supervision of the project
- Coordinates the project handing over to the operators
- Coordinates the preparation of the project’s appraisal reports
- Verification and approval of Resource Mobilization/business proposals;
- Ensure audit of projects and programs;
- Develop departmental strategies, policies and plans to facilitate achievement of overall Agency’s objectives;
- Coordinate stakeholders including multilateral and bilateral financing agencies, Government Agencies in the execution of various programs;
Person specifications
For appointment to this grade a candidate must have/be: –
- Bachelor’s degree in Civil/Water/Structural/Electrical Mechanical Engineering or its equivalent from a recognized institution;
- Master’s degree in relevant course from a recognized institution;
- At least 12 years relevant work experience, five (5) of which must be in a supervisory position;
- Membership to Institution of Engineers of Kenya;
- Registered with Engineers Board of Kenya;
- Professional Development in a relevant field;
- Knowledge in Computer Aided Designs;
- Leadership Course lasting not less than four (4) weeks from a recognized institution.
- Have demonstrated merit and shown ability in work performance and results;
- Proficiency in the relevant computer applications;
- Fulfill the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution of Kenya
Key Competencies and Skills
- Strong Strategic leadership skills
- Strong communication and reporting Skills
- Ability to work and lead teams
- Strong negotiation skills
- Strong Effective problem-solving skills
- Strong interpersonal and mentoring skills
Method of Application
Candidates for the above vacancies MUST satisfy the requirements of Leadership and Integrity set out in Chapter six (6) of the Constitution of Kenya2010 and shortlisted candidates shall be required to present the following documents.
- Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission Clearance Certificate
- Kenya revenue Authority Tax Compliance Certificate
- Higher Education Loans Board Clearance Certificate or proof of ongoing repayments
- Certificate of Good Conduct issued by National Police Service
- Certificate of Clearance from the Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).
How to apply
- Interested and qualified applicants should send their applications accompanied with detailed Curriculum Vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates, National Identity Card or Passport, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents.
- All applications should be submitted in any one of the following ways:
- Online applications should be emailed in PDF format to .
- Manual Applications should be hand delivered to Northern Water Works Development Agency office, Maji House, Kismayu Road, Garissa during working hours of 8am to 5pm.
Applications via Courier Services should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer,
Northern Water Works Development Agency (NWWDA)
PO Box 495 – 70100
Maji House, Kismayu,
Garissa, Kenya All applications should reach the Agency on or before Tuesday, 8th August 2023 at 5.00 pm
“Women, minorities, the marginalized and persons living with disability are encouraged to apply”
NWWDA is an equal opportunity employer and all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.