NHIF Shortlisted Candidates 2023/2024 List Is Out Online

Last Updated on April 5, 2023

NHIF Shortlisted Candidates

The National Hospital Insurance Fund is a State Parastatal that was established in 1966 as a department under the Ministry of Health to accommodate the changing healthcare needs of the Kenyan population, employment and restructuring in the health sector. Currently an NHIF Act No. 9 of 1998 governs the Fund. The transformation of NHIF from a department of the Ministry of Health to a State of Corporation was aimed at improving effectiveness and efficiency. The Fund’s core mandate is to provide medical insurance cover to all its members and their declared dependents (spouse and children).

How To Check NHIF Shortlisted Candidates 2023 List

Applicants who applied for the earlier announced NHIF recruitment can now check if they have been recruited or not. We know a lot of you have been searching for the shortlist for some time now but couldn’t find any vital information.

It is important to note that the NHIF Shortlisted Candidates 2023 list is yet to be released so ensure that you check the NHIF recruitment portal on a daily basis as the list of shortlisted candidates would be released there alternatively, you can bookmark this page as it would be updated once the list is released.

One comment

  1. DENIS KIPRONO Kapjoshua says:


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