NCA Certificate Online Application Portal –

Last Updated on November 14, 2022

Do you want to apply for an NCA certificate in Kenya? We’ve provided a detailed guide on the NCA certificate online application, how to register NCA certificate, and the requirements. Keep reading for more information.

NCA Certificate Online Application

The National Construction Authority (NCA), constituted in the laws of Kenya under Act No.41 of 2011, is a government organization that regulates, streamlines, and builds capacity in the construction industry. The body’s main mandate is to provide a regulatory framework for builders, contractors, site workers, and supervisors.

NCA allows you to register, acquire a certificate and get accreditation, in a bid to eliminate rogue contractors and malpractices in the building and construction industry.

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Likewise, the authority also inspects constructions and building projects around the country, ensuring high-quality work and halting projects that pose health risks or collapse hazards.

Requirements for registration with NCA

1.    A National Identity card or passport.

2.    Coloured passport photo.

3.    Registration fees. Local contractors in Kenya are required to pay a fee of Kshs10, 000 – 50, 000 depending on the category in order to register. Annual License renewal costs are valued between Kshs5, 000 and Kshs10, 000.

4.    Certificate of incorporation from the Registrar of Companies in Kenya. You’re supposed to have registered as a legal company in the country either as a limited liability, sole proprietorship, or partnership company.

5.    Certificate of technical qualification from an accredited training institution. Technical directors of the registered company must have minimal technical qualifications. They should have skills or possess experience in a field related to construction. In addition, all the directors must also forward their CVs to the National Construction Authority.

6.    Valid PIN, VAT, and Income Tax compliance certificates, and Bank Account. The contractor applying to operate in Kenya must prove tax compliance. Moreso, the bank account should be opened under name of the contractor’s company.

7.    Foreign contractors are required to prove that they are in the country to undertake a particular project. They are then issued permission to operate for a specific period of time.

However, they are not allowed to undertake another project after the one specified or targeted is completed. They will also be required to launch an affidavit with the authority to confirm.

Foreign contractors should submit a commitment to transfer skills with locals, as is determined by the National Construction Authority from time to time. They are further required to pay a registration fee of Ksh. 100, 000 and must undertake only tenders they win.

Those registering under a temporary registration will need to commit to sub-contracting “not less than 30% of the value” of the contract to local contractors.

In conclusion, foreign contractors are not cleared for the NCA1 category, in an attempt to protect local contractors from foreign companies.

How to register a project with NCA

Physical Registration:

1.    Obtain the accreditation form from NCA offices, Huduma Center, or download it from the NCA website –

2.    Fill out the form as instructed.

3.    Submit a duly filled form accompanied by copies of the documents you are required to present.

4.    Upon submission, the details you have provided are assessed and verified and if approved you are notified via text message.

5.    Pay the accreditation fee of Sh2,000 at NCA offices, Kenya Commercial Bank, Milimani Branch Account No. 1136368019, or via Mpesa Pay Bill No. 522524 and obtain a receipt.

6.    Pick a certificate of registration from their office.

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NCA Certificate Online Application

1.    Visit the NCA website.

2.    Go to the ‘Construction Worker’ tab then click on ‘Accreditation’.

3.    Click on ‘Accreditation Portal’.

4.    Click on ‘Register’ and register an account by filling in the required details in each field.

5.    Log into your account using the national id or passport number, and the password used during registration.

6.    Click on the ‘New Application’ tab, then click on ‘Accreditation’.

7.    Submit the information accompanied by the requested documentation (as listed above).

8.    After your details are checked and approved, an invoice is sent to the email address you provided during registration indicating the amount to be paid as well as the mode of payment.

9.    Payment can be made through Mpesa Pay Bill No. 522524 – Account No. 1136368019, Kenya Commercial Bank, Milimani Branch Account No. 1136368019.

10.    To submit payment, you will go back to your account and key in the Mpesa code or bank slip transaction number in the ‘Click here to Enter the Bank Slip Transaction No./Mpesa Code.’

11.    You will receive a payment notification sent via SMS on the phone number you provided during registration.

12.    Subsequently, your certificate of registration is processed and can be picked at their office.

13.    Accreditation is valid for three years after which it may be renewed for a similar period.

Different Categories of Contractors in NCA

Contractors are allowed to register in one or more categories, according to a class of construction works to be undertaken.

NCA Certificate Online Application

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