Last Updated on June 16, 2023
Applications are invited from suitably qualified and eligible candidates for the National Treasury Kenya Recruitment 2023/2024.

The National Treasury of the Republic of Kenya is the Kenyan government ministry that formulates financial and economic policies and oversees the effective coordination of Government financial operations.
We are recruiting to fill the positions below:
- Principal Debt Settlement Officer
- Principal Resource Mobilization Officer- 13 Posts
Principal Debt Settlement Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
- An officer at this level will be responsible to the Assistant Director, Debt Settlement.
Specific duties and responsibilities will entail;
- Reviewing debt reports;
- monitoring and updating Period End Processing debt data;
- validating debt records; reviewing debt data for reporting and analysis;reviewing departmental budget estimates;
- bank reconciliation; validating Payment Advice forms and cash call ups;reviewing final annual accounts for Consolidated Funds Service;
- resolving database issues;
- offering support to users and performing systems backups; and
- Updating interest and exchange rates in the system.
Requirements for Appointment
Forappointment to this grade, an officer must:
- Be serving as an Accountant, Economist, Finance Officer, ICTOfficer, at JobGroup IL’/ leGS 9′ or in a comparable and relevant position in the PublicService.
- Have a Bachelors Degree in any of the following fields: Economics and Statistics, Economics and Mathematics, Computer Science, Information
- Communication Technology, Commerce (Accounting or Finance option),Business Administration (Accounting or Finance option) or any otherequivalent qualification from a recognized institution;
- Computer proficiency; and
- Demonstrated merit and ability as reflected in work performance and results
Principal Resource Mobilization Officer- 13 Posts
Duties and Responsibilities
- An officer at this level will be responsible to the Assistant Director – Resource Mobilization, and will be deployed in any of the functional areas. Specific duties and responsibilities entail:
- Preparing domestic and external borrowing outturn;
- participating in the preparation and review of domestic borrowing annualplan;
- reviewing project proposals, monitoring and evaluating projects;
- analyzing loan proposals;
- recommending duty and Value Added Tax (VAT) exemptions for Donorfunded projects;
- carrying out due diligence on new debt instruments;
- participating in the development of primary and secondary domestic debtmarket;
- participating in issuance of public debt instruments and negotiatingdomestic and external loans;
- drafting ondvettinq the terms and conditions for guarantees;
- assisting in evaluation of external loans proposals;
- reviewing financing and credit agreements for loans, grants and donations;and representing .Ireosurv in the Auction committee meetings at theCentral Bank of Kenya (CBK).
Requirements for Appointment
For appointment to this grade, an officer must have:
- Served at the grade of Senior Resource Mobilization Officer “CSG 9′ (JobGroup “L’) or in a comparable and relevant position in the Public Service; forat least three (3) years;
- Bachelors degree in any of the following fields: Computer Science,Information Technology, Economics, Economics and Statistics, Economicsand Mathematics, or any other equivalent qualification from a recognizedinstitution;
- Certificate in any of the following: Public Debt Management, Project Management, Debt Management, Performance Assessment, DebtSustainability Analysis or Macro- Economic Analyses and Modeling, FinancialModeling/Reporting, Public Debt Management, Public Debt Restructuring,Negotiation skills,Debt Recording System or equivalent qualification from arecognized institution;
- Computer proficiency; and
- Demonstrated professional competence as reflected in work performance and results.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates are requested to make their one completed application form PSC2 (Revised 2016) which should be send to;
The Principal Secretary
National Treasury
P. O. Box 30007-00100, NAIROBI
3rd Floor,room 303 so as to reach the office on or before 30th June, 2023
Shortlisted candidates shall be required to produce originals of their National Identity Card, Accdernic and Professional certificates.
Please note that:
- Candidates should NOT attach original documents to the application form.
- Only shortlisted end successful candidates will be contacted.
- Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.
The National Treasury is, committed to implementing fhe provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232(1) on fair competition and merit, representation ofKenyans diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities tomen and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities.
Therefore, People with disabilities, the marginalized and the minorities areencouraged to apply.