List Of Most Likely Fun Questions To Answer 2022

Last Updated on July 15, 2022

The most likely Questions game is so simple and fun that it has become a popular game on TikTok for friends, siblings, couples, and even as a party game. If you have ever played the Most Likely To tag, you will agree that it is easy to run out of fun Most Likely To questions.

Funniest Most Likely To Questions

To ensure you never run out of questions, we have compiled a mega list of good Most Likely To questions you can ask anyone.

What is the most likely to tag questions game?

The Most Likely To Tag is a simple fun game that involves the participants answering questions about who is most likely to do something.

How to Play the Most Likely to Questions Game

The rules of the Most likely to questions game will largely depend on how you chose to play the game.

  • If you and your friends are present in the same room, the group can point to who’s most likely to do what is asked.
  • If it’s a boyfriend and girlfriend game or a sibling game, you can raise your hand if the most likely to question applies to you or point if it applies to the other person.
  • If you are playing on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube you can use any of the above approaches, or use more creative options: write each other’s name on cardboard and raise the correct cardboard when the question is asked. Also, you could use two different items; one to represent each person.

List of Most Likely to Questions

If you need a list of fun questions to answer during the most likely to tag, these most likely to questions are designed for any type of group, or platform; YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or a simple game at home.

Here’s a list of the best Most Likely To questions you can ask:

1.         Most likely to make a prank call?

2.         Most likely to snoop through someone else’s phone?

3.         Most likely to double date?

4.         Most likely to pull a push door?

5.         Most likely to have pretended to be sick, to avoid school or work?

6.         Most likely to date a coworker?

7.         Most likely to report a coworker to HR?

8.         Most likely to show up at work drunk?

9.         Most likely to ignore a social media request from a coworker?

10.       Most likely to self-sabotage their relationship?

11.       Most likely to give the best advice?

12.       Most likely to give terrible advice?

13.       Most likely to light up any room they walk into?

14.       Most likely to get a speeding ticket?

15.       Most likely to fall asleep during a meeting?

16.       Most likely to have skinny-dipped?

17.       Most likely to be thrown out of a nightclub?

18.       Most likely to take the best selfies?

19.       Most likely to have a secret lover?

20.       Most likely to have a kid before marriage?

21.       Most likely to win a drinking game?

22.       Most likely to lie at a job interview?

23.       Most likely to have their license suspended?

24.       Most likely to have an extreme body piercing?

25.       Most likely to blow all their money on an impulse buy?

26.       Most likely to cheat on a test?

27.       Most likely to say something spiteful?

28.       Most likely to say something insensitive?

29.       Most likely to dish out a genuine compliment?

30.       Most likely to show uncommon kindness to a stranger?

31.       Most likely to have stage fright?

32.       Most likely to re-gift something that was gifted to them?

33.       Most likely to undergo a sex change?

34.       Most likely to eavesdrop on a conversation?

35.       Most likely to struggle with math?

36.       Most likely to have the most unread emails?

37.       Most likely to insist that you put your phone down when talking?

38.       Most likely to keep a food journal?

39.       Most likely to keep a dream journal?

40.       Most likely to keep a prayer journal?

41.       Most likely to keep a gratitude journal?

42.       Most likely to move to another country?

43.       Most likely to be arrested for shoplifting?

44.       Most likely to be arrested for assault?

45.       Most likely to be arrested for drinking violations?

46.       Most likely to get arrested for public nudity?

47.       Most likely to become a priest/nun?

48.       Most likely to cheat to win a game?

49.       Most likely to stand someone up?

50.       Most likely to cry in a public place?

51.       Most likely to crash someone else’s car?

52.       Most likely to have a tattoo they regret?

53.       Most likely to yell in public?

54.       Most likely to have a fat savings account?

55.       Most likely to be a cool parent?

56.       Most likely to spend all their money on clothes?

57.       Most likely to get a breast lift?

58.       Most likely to get a tummy tuck?

59.       Most likely to get liposuction?

60.       Most likely to win a game of FIFA?

61.       Most likely to get the highest kills in a shooting game?

62.       Most likely to get killed the most in a shooting game?

63.       Most likely to win a game of arm-wrestling?

64.       Most likely to win a game of Tennis?

65.       Most likely to get picked first into a basketball team?

Funniest Most Likely to Questions

If you prefer playing around answering funny questions, these funny questions have been selected with only humor in mind! Here are some funny most likely to questions:

1.         Most likely to break their nose by walking into something?

2.         Most likely to queue behind a mannequin at a store?

3.         Most likely to be a couch potato?

4.         Most likely to wear mismatched shoes by accident?

5.         Most likely to fall for a catfish account on the internet?

6.         Most likely to make prank calls?

7.         Most likely to be hungover at a church service?

8.         Most likely to cause a world war?

9.         Most likely to get chased by a dog?

10.       Most likely to drop their phone in the water closet?

11.       Most likely to get a spider in their hair?

12.       Most likely to get in the most car wrecks throughout their lifetime?

13.       Most likely to get punched in the face?

14.       Most likely to get kicked out of a theater?

15.       Most likely to get stranded on vacation?

16.       Most likely to get struck by lightning?

17.       Most likely to get the whole gang in trouble?

18.       Most likely to make disgusting sounds while eating?

19.       Most likely to steal candy from a baby?

20.       Most likely to be caught telling a lie?

21.       Most likely to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?

22.       Most likely to be intimidated by their in-law?

23.       Most likely to use their kid as an excuse to get out of a commitment?

24.       Most likely to swear in front of a kid?

25.       Most likely to buy the same gift for the same person twice?

26.       Most likely to buy someone an inappropriate gift?

27.       Most likely to be caught on CCTV doing something stupid?

28.       Most likely to go to a party just for the food?

29.       Most likely to lock themselves out of the house?

SEE ALSO: 10 Funniest Drinking Games You Can Play with and without Cards

30.       Most likely to lose their house keys?

31.       Most likely to do something weird to pay for college?

32.       Most likely to have the most parking tickets?

33.       Most likely to run a red light?

34.       Most likely to text in class?

35.       Most likely to eat cat food?

36.       Most likely to eat dog food?

37.       Most likely to eat baby food?

38.       Most likely to eat something off the ground?

39.       Most likely to eat something gross on a dare?

40.       Most likely to text while walking on a busy street?

41.       Most likely to wear unwashed underwear?

42.       Most likely to be a stingy parent?

43.       Most likely to bring a book to a party?

44.       Most likely to burn the house down?

45.       Most likely to cancel on their friends for a new date?

46.       Most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse?

47.       Most likely to survive a zombie apocalypse?

48.       Most likely to be a vampire?

49.       Most likely to fall asleep in class?

50.       Most likely to fall down a tree?

51.       Most likely to fall in a mall?

52.       Most likely to secretly open a present?

53.       Most likely to sell drugs to a uniformed officer?

54.       Most likely to sell something out of their car trunk?

55.       Most likely to set themselves on fire as a protest?

56.       Most likely to mistakenly apply hair remover on their eyebrows?

57.       Most likely to sleep their way to the top?

58.       Most likely to sleep through the day?

59.       Most likely to ruin a plan?

60.       Most likely to spend all their money on food?

61.       Most likely to spend Christmas in a bar?

62.       Most likely to fake their own death?

63.       Most likely to fart in an elevator?

64.       Most likely to pass out on a barstool?

65.       Most likely to pee their pants in a tense situation?

66.       Most likely to have the best prank?

67.       Most likely to talk in their sleep?

68.       Most likely to have a secret life in another town?

69.       Most likely to go a week without a shower?

70.       Most likely to be a stand-up comedian?

71.       Most likely to go broke again after winning the lottery?

72.       Most likely to memorize a TV show’s theme song?

73.       Most likely to miss an important event because they slept off?

74.       Most likely to eat their birthday cake alone?

75.       Most likely to eat without brushing their teeth?

76.       Most likely to punch a celebrity?

77.       Most likely to be a hoarder?

78.       Most likely to win a pie-eating contest?

79.       Most likely to become bald-headed?

80.       Most likely to have a sketchy browser history?

81.       Most likely to forget their International passport at home when traveling?

82.       Most likely to forget their own birthday?

83.       Most likely to forget the groceries in the car park?

84.       Most likely to forget to pick the kids from school?

85.       Most likely to forget people’s names?

86.       Most likely to have a coin collection?

87.       Most likely to get a drunk tattoo?

88.       Most likely to have a strange tattoo?

89.       Most likely to get a cliché tattoo?

90.       Most likely to have a terrible tattoo?

91.       Most likely to yell at their T.V. while watching a movie. “Don’t go in there!”

92.       Most likely to binge-watch a movie a day to an exam?

93.       Most likely to be afraid of watching horror movies?

94.       Most likely to embarrass themselves at a meet and greet?

95.       Most likely to kiss a monkey?

96.       Most likely to embarrass themselves in public?

97.       Most likely to grossly exaggerate the truth?

98.       Most likely to hack their ex’s social media account?

99.       Most likely to make an inappropriate joke?

100.     Most likely to get crapped on by a bird?

Most Likely to Questions for Couples

Finding an interesting list of Most Likely To questions to ask your crush, an admirer, or your partner on date night is a great way to get your love interest to reveal their thoughts to you and vice versa. Here are some interesting most likely to questions for couples:

1.         Who’s most likely to ghost on their partner?

2.         Who’s most likely to break up over the phone?

3.         Who’s most likely to walk out on a date?

4.         Who’s most likely to stand up their date?

5.         Who’s most likely to miss their wedding?

6.         Who’s most likely to have an affair?

7.         Who’s most likely to act on a crush?

8.         Who’s most likely to be the clingy partner?

9.         Who’s most likely to flirt with a waiter?

10.       Who’s most likely to crash their ex’s wedding?

11.       Who’s most likely to forget their partner’s birthday?

12.       Who’s most likely to pick a romantic movie for movies night?

13.       Who’s most likely to pick a boring movie for movies night?

14.       Who’s most likely to sleep off halfway during a movie?

15.       Who’s most likely to want a beach wedding?

16.       Who’s most likely to ask for a breakup?

17.       Who’s most likely to kiss & tell?

18.       Who’s most likely to freak out over a text?

19.       Who’s most likely to sweat the small stuff?

20.       Who’s most likely to have dinner with an ex?

21.       Who’s most likely to leave a generous tip?

22.       Who’s most likely to set up a romantic date?

23.       Who’s most likely to cancel plans at the last second?

24.       Who’s most likely to pull off a prank?

25.       Who’s most likely to eat from their partner’s meal?

26.       Who’s most likely to forget to pay a bill?

27.       Who’s most likely to lose their keys?

28.       Who’s most likely to win a food competition?

29.       Who’s most likely to keep their mouth shut when they’re upset?

30.       Who’s most likely to cry during an argument?

31.       Who’s most likely to let themself go?

32.       Who’s most likely to throw out the other person’s items?

33.       Who’s most likely to sleep through turbulence?

34.       Who’s most likely to do the laundry?

35.       Who’s most likely to win a poker game?

36.       Who’s most likely to be a sore loser?

37.       Who’s most likely to bring home a stray puppy?

38.       Who’s most likely to forget their vows on our wedding day?

39.       Who’s most likely to leave the dishes in the sink for days?

40.       Who’s most likely to quit their job on impulse?

41.       Who’s most likely to write a romantic wedding vow?

42.       Who’s most likely to copy their wedding vow from the internet?

43.       Who’s most likely to initiate a kiss?

44.       Who’s most likely to drink at work?

45.       Who’s more likely to block their partner after a little misunderstanding?

46.       Who’s most likely to buy the other person a gift they hate?

47.       Who’s most likely to clog the toilet?

48.       Who’s most likely to be a cool dad/mom?

49.       Who’s most likely to forget to pick up the kids?

50.       Who’s most likely to come back home with an item that isn’t on the grocery list?

51.       Who’s most likely to bicker over chores?

52.       Who’s most likely to hide a shopping bag?

53.       Who’s most likely to say “I told you so.”

54.       Who’s most likely to say “You’re just like your mother.”

55.       Who’s most likely to say “Watch your back.”

56.       Who’s most likely to tell a white lie?

57.       Who’s most likely to be the first to apologize after a disagreement?

58.       Who’s most likely to initiate something new in the bedroom?

59.       Who’s most likely to forget something that was literally said five minutes ago?

60.       Who’s most likely to leave a wet towel and dirty clothes scattered everywhere?

61.       Who’s most likely to ask where something is without bothering to look for it first?

62.       Who’s most likely to not clean up after shaving?

63.       Who’s most likely to be in the bathroom for a ridiculous amount of time?

64.       Who’s most likely to stay in touch with exes?

65.       Who’s most likely to show more affection to the kids than their spouse?

66.       Who’s most likely to leave the toilet seat up?

67.       Who’s most likely to be a bit too attached to their parent?

68.       Who’s most likely to swear at the TV?

69.       Who’s most likely to use an item until it literally falls apart?

70.       Who’s most likely to steal items from a hotel room?

Most Likely to Questions for Friends

Without sounding too cheesy or cliché, a friend is someone that gets you. A good friend or a tight group of friends know which friend is most likely to fall for a romance scam as well as many other details. So, when you and your friends decide to play the most likely to tag, try this carefully designed list of most likely to questions for friends:

1.         Most likely to help a friend bury a body?

2.         Most likely to spill a secret?

3.         Most likely to piss themselves when scared?

4.         Most likely to snitch on the clique?

5.         Most likely to catfish someone?

6.         Most likely to be catfished?

7.         Most likely to remain single forever?

8.         Most likely to embarrass themselves in front of a crush?

9.         Most likely to never fall in love?

10.       Most likely to have commitment issues?

11.       Most likely to have had the most girlfriends/boyfriends?

12.       Most likely to marry their best friend’s ex?

13.       Most likely to stalk their crush on Instagram?

14.       Most likely to remain a virgin until marriage?

15.       Most likely to be a heartbreaker?

16.       Most likely to get severely heartbroken?

17.       Most likely to date someone because they are rich?

18.       Most likely to date someone because they are funny?

19.       Most likely to be the first to get drunk on a night out?

20.       Most likely to wander off on their own on a night out?

21.       Most likely to intentionally leave their wallet at home on a night out?

22.       Most likely to stay at home on Friday night?

23.       Most likely to get in a fight with a bouncer?

24.       Most likely to steal the spotlight at a party?

25.       Most likely to develop a beer belly?

26.       Most likely to sneak out for a party?

27.       Most likely to own a fake I.D?

28.       Most likely to get arrested?

29.       Most likely to steal their parent’s car?

30.       Most likely to die of something stupid?

31.       Most likely to go to a Beyoncé concert?

32.       Most likely to obsess over a celebrity?

33.       Most likely to do cosmetic surgery to look like their favorite celebrity?

34.       Most likely to go viral online?

35.       Most likely to become famous in Hollywood?

36.       Most likely to be a supermodel?

37.       Most likely to appear on some reality show?

38.       Most likely to make it onto a Forbes list?

39.       Most likely to give all their money to charity?

40.       Most likely to get mad after losing a game?

41.       Most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse?

42.       Most likely to have an imaginary friend?

43.       Most likely to sell their kidney?

44.       Most likely to spend all their money on shoes?

45.       Most likely to spend all their money on makeup?

46.       Most likely to spend all their money on jewelry?

47.       Most likely to go bankrupt?

48.       Most likely to own a beach house?

49.       Most likely to shave their head for a cause?

50.       Most likely to invent something useful?

51.       Most likely to win a Nobel prize?

52.       Most likely to write a bestseller?

53.       Most likely to win an Olympic Medal?

54.       Most likely to be a stand-up comedian?

55.       Most likely to go backpacking?

56.       Most likely to join the army?

57.       Most likely to get pregnant first?

58.       Most likely to be a deadbeat parent?

59.       Most likely to own an adult toy?

60.       Most likely to end the friendship?

Most Likely to Questions for Siblings

There is a saying attributed to Betsy Cohen, which says “Your siblings are the only people in the world who know what it’s like to have been brought up the way you were.” So, when you and your siblings play question games, the answers are usually revealing.

These most likely to questions are perfect for you and your siblings:

1.         Most likely to clog the shower drain?

2.         Most likely to leave hair on the soap?

3.         Most likely to do house chores?

4.         Most likely to avoid house chores?

5.         Most likely to have a messy room?

6.         Most likely to hog their stuff?

7.         Most likely to take a sibling’s stuff without permission?

8.         Most likely to snitch?

9.         Most likely to watch their sibling take the fall for something they did?

10.       Most likely to take the fall for their sibling?

11.       Most likely to take a secret to their grave?

12.       Most likely to skip school?

13.       Most likely to take the most selfies?

14.       Most likely to end up like mom?

15.       Most likely to end up like dad?

16.       Most likely to abandon the family if they become famous?

17.       Most likely to move far away from home?

18.       Most likely to start a fight?

19.       Most likely to swear at a stranger?

20.       Most likely to miss a family reunion?

21.       Most likely to never miss family reunions?

22.       Most likely to forget a sibling’s birthday?

23.       Most likely to spend all their money on food?

24.       Most likely to spend all their money on clothes?

25.       Most likely to spend all their money on something stupid?

26.       Most likely to get married first?

27.       Most likely to not get married?

28.       Most likely to marry a foreigner?

29.       Most likely to marry a celebrity?

30.       Most likely to go along with an arranged marriage?

31.       Most likely to require an arranged marriage?

32.       Most likely to get multiple divorces?

33.       Most likely to get into an Ivy League school?

34.       Most likely to hoard money?

35.       Most likely to do the exact opposite of what they say?

36.       Most likely to get kicked out of the house?

37.       Most likely to get arrested?

38.       Most likely to become rich and famous?

39.       Most likely to learn a new language?

40.       Most likely to go viral on the internet?

41.       Most likely to win a spelling bee?

42.       Most likely to win an academic competition?

43.       Most likely to win a talent show?

44.       Most likely to join the Army?

45.       Most likely to give all their money to charity?

46.       Most likely to tell a funny joke?

47.       Most likely to keep a diary?

48.       Most likely to have a huge savings account?

49.       Most likely to cry during a movie?

50.       Most likely to own a small business?

Most Likely to Questions for Kids

If you’re running out of game ideas to keep your little ones entertained, a practical and age-appropriate list of most likely to questions might be exactly what you need! Here are some fun Most Likely to Questions for to keep kids of all ages engaged:

1.         Most likely to cry over a boy/girl?

2.         Most likely to have a candy bar in their pocket?

3.         Most likely to eat breakfast without brushing?

4.         Most likely to finish their meal first?

5.         Most likely to get grounded?

6.         Most likely to bite their fingernails?

7.         Most likely to hide a stray cat?

8.         Most likely to hide a stray dog?

9.         Most likely to hide an alien under their bed?

10.       Most likely to talk while chewing?

11.       Most likely to tell a lie to get out of trouble?

12.       Most likely to throw a tantrum?

13.       Most likely to always tell the truth?

14.       Most likely to play video games all day?

15.       Most likely to spend the entire day in bed?

16.       Most likely to cry during an argument?

17.       Most likely to teach their pet a new trick?

18.       Most likely to get in trouble in school?

19.       Most likely to open up and fix their broken toy?

20.       Most likely to hog their toys?

21.       Most likely to write a letter to their grandparents?

22.       Most likely to keep a reptile as a pet?

23.       Most likely to host a sleepover?

24.       Most likely to make scrapbooks?

25.       Most likely to put on a puppet show?

26.       Most likely to have the best Kool-Aid painting?

27.       Most likely to build a giant fort out of blankets and chairs?

28.       Most likely to win a scavenger hunt?

29.       Most likely to be a villain in a movie?

30.       Most likely to spend the entire day watching Animal Planet?

31.       Most likely to bake and sell cookies?

32.       Most likely to make a photo journal?

33.       Most likely to collect seashells?

34.       Most likely to make a fort out of cardboard boxes?

35.       Most likely to paint their sneakers?

36.       Most likely to make a beautiful drawing?

37.       Most likely to take a sewing or knitting class?

38.       Most likely to catch the most fireflies in a jar?

39.       Most likely to start a water balloon fight?

40.       Most likely to collect and paint rocks?

41.       Most likely to make the coolest paper boats?

42.       Most likely to string beads into jewelry?

43.       Most likely to set up a lemonade stand?

44.       Most likely to go fruit picking?

45.       Most likely to make a friendship bracelet?

46.       Most likely to be the best at juggling?

47.       Most likely to become a Disney star?

48.       Most likely to be a gymnast?

49.       Most likely to keep a stash of comic books?

50.       Most likely to meet the President?

51.       Most likely to attend a pop star’s concert?

52.       Most likely to be part of a cool band?

53.       Most likely to win a Lego Building Contest?

54.       Most likely to win a Math Competition?

55.       Most likely to win a Writing Contest?

56.       Most likely to win an Art Contest?

57.       Most likely to get lost in Disneyland?

58.       Most likely to volunteer at a nature center?

59.       Most likely to start a YouTube channel?

60.       Most likely to be a police officer?

Most Likely to Questions for Bachelorette Game

Are you planning on getting together with the rest of the bridesmaids for a bachelorette party soon? A game of most likely to questions is exactly what you need to remove any tension or awkwardness and get all the ladies talking! Here are some fun most likely to questions for bachelorette:

1.         Most likely to miss the wedding?

2.         Most likely to get to the wedding venue late?

3.         Most likely to lose all the bachelorette games?

4.         Most likely to win all the bachelorette games?

5.         Most likely to do a dare during Truth or Dare?

6.         Most likely to get married next?

7.         Most likely to marry a celebrity?

8.         Most likely to marry a foreigner?

9.         Most likely to agree to an arranged marriage?

10.       Most likely to prefer being a single mom?

11.       Most likely to adopt kids?

12.       Most likely to gift the bride a kinky gift?

13.       Most likely to buy the couple an expensive wedding gift?

14.       Most likely to forget to buy the couple a wedding gift?

15.       Most likely to make out with a bridesmaid/groomsman?

16.       Most likely to hook up with one of the groomsmen/bridesmaids?

17.       Most likely to get drunk at the wedding?

18.       Most likely to stay sober throughout the wedding?

19.       Most like to find their soulmate at the wedding?

20.       Most likely to lose their phone/purse at the wedding?

21.       Most likely to keep the bride’s deepest secrets?

22.       Most likely to help the bride elope from the wedding?

23.       Most likely to tell the groom all that happened at the bachelorette party?

24.       Most likely to take the most pictures at the wedding?

25.       Most likely to get teary during the vows?

26.       Most likely to pick a quarrel with a groomsman at the wedding?

27.       Most likely to get into a fight with a guest at the wedding?

28.       Most likely to kill it on the dance floor?

29.       Most likely to get kicked off the bridesmaid?

30.       Most likely to have a wardrobe malfunction at the wedding?

31.       Most likely to get arrested at the wedding?

32.       Most likely to keep in touch after the wedding?

33.       Most likely to call her ex after the wedding?

34.       Most likely to bring a date to the wedding?

35.       Most likely to leave the wedding with a date?

There you go, a fun list containing the best most likely to questions you can ask anyone.

Hope you have a good time, Stay safe.

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