How to Apply for MIT Solv[ED] Youth Innovation Challenge 2021

Last Updated on October 7, 2021

MIT Solv[ED] Youth Innovation Challenge

Are you 24 and under and passionate about making a positive impact in your community and the world? Apply now for the MIT Solv[ED] Youth Innovation Challenge 2021. Solv[ED] is designed to spark a sense of agency in young people aged 24 and under, encouraging, inspiring, and supporting them to become problem-solvers in their communities and the world.

The Solv[ED] Youth Innovation Challenge is an opportunity for you to submit your tech-based solution that:

  • Improves learning opportunities and outcomes for learners across their lifetimes, from early childhood on.
  • Supports financial and economic opportunities for all.
  • Accelerates healthcare access and health outcomes, reducing and, ultimately, eliminating disparities in health.
  • Takes action to combat climate change and its impacts.
  • Addresses an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four topics above.


  • Over $200,000 is available in prize funding to share among selected Solv[ED] Innovators.
  • In addition to prize funding, selected Solv[ED] Innovators will receive mentorship and coaching from members of the MIT and MIT Solve community.


  • Anyone, anywhere around the world can submit a solution to the Solv[ED] Youth Innovation Challenge;
  • Applicant should be aged 24 and under;
  • Solv[ED] is open to solutions at all stages of development, and with any business model. Whether your solution is a concept, a product that is being prototyped, a service that is being piloted in your local community, or a fully operational nonprofit or for-profit organization, they want to hear from you.
  • Your solution does need to be tech-based.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Potential for Impact:The planned solution implementation has the potential to impact the intended population.
  • Feasibility:The team has a realistic, practical plan for implementing the solution in the given context.
  • Innovative Approach: The solution includes a new technology, a new application of technology, a new business model, or a new process for solving the defined problem.
  • Inclusive Human-Centered Design: The solution is designed with and for underserved communities, and the solution team demonstrates understanding of and proximity to the community.
  • Scalability: The solution has a plan for financial viability and the potential to be scaled to affect the lives of more people.


The application deadline is Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 11:59am Eastern Time. All applications must be submitted by the deadline in order to be considered for selection.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit MIT Solv[ED].

Deadline: January 18, 2022

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