How To Apply For MAXQDA Research Grants 2022

Last Updated on May 25, 2022

MAXQDA Research Grants

The Research for Change grant is an initiative of VERBI Software that aims to support researchers, research projects, and networks. The grant provides financial support and methodological training for early career researchers whose work aims to investigate, support and raise awareness of empowerment initiatives.

This Year’s Grants Theme: Empowering Women and Girls

As a contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5 ‘Gender Equality’, they dedicate this year’s MAXQDA #ResearchforChange grants program to the empowerment of women and girls in the areas of economic, social, political, cultural, legal and environmental participation. In recognition of the indispensable role of equal participation of men and women in all dimensions of development, they want to support young scientists conducting research in this area with 3 Research Grants totaling $1,650 each.


  • Research Scholarship: A one-time $1,000 cash scholarship (in the currency of your home banking institution)
  • Free License: A free two-year license for MAXQDA Analytics Pro (min. $350.00 value)
  • 2 Online Training Sessions: Conducted by a Certified MAXQDA Trainer (up to $300.00 value)
  • VIP customer service from the MAXQDA technical support
  • Participation in the MAXQDA Community
  • Your research will be featured on the MAXQDA website and social media


  • The applicant must currently be an early career scientist: an undergraduate or postgraduate (Masters/PhD) student or a scientist who received their highest educational degree within the past 3 years.
  • The applicant must be conducting or intending to conduct qualitative or mixed-methods research focused on womens’ and girls’ empowerment in the areas of political participation, peace and conflict, economic participation, social development, health, environment, human rights, or other related areas.
  • The applicant uses or intends to use MAXQDA to analyze their research data. Knowledge of MAXQDA is not required but is an advantage in the application process.
  • The applicant must be willing to submit one research report or research blog article (700-1000 words) in English to VERBI Software GmbH and complete the necessary edits with the MAXQDA team.
  • VERBI Software GmbH employees, Professional MAXQDA Trainers, and previous MAXQDA Research Grant recipients are not eligible to apply.


They are accepting online applications until 11:59 pm, July 15, 2022. Applicants must complete the online application form in English and upload the following documents:

  • Research expose including the section on motivation (max. 1000 words) as one PDF file. The research proposal should:
    • identify concise research goal(s)
    • address the research question(s) in a sound theoretical and methodological way
    • entail a detailed methodology section with a data analysis plan using MAXQDA
    • contain a realistic and manageable work plan
    • elaborate on your motivation to participate in the MAXQDA Research Grants Program 2022
  • Professional/Academic Resume/CV as a PDF file

Click here to apply

For more information, visit MAXQDA Research Grants.

Deadline: July 15, 2022

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