How To Apply For Mama Cash Solidarity Fund 2023

Last Updated on February 20, 2023

Applications are now for the Mama Cash Solidarity Fund 2023. The Solidarity Fund, hosted by Mama Cash, is a participatory grantmaking fund. From the design to the selection process, it was created in its entirety by women’s funds, for women’s funds.

Mama Cash Solidarity Fund

Mama Cash knows first-hand that women’s funds are supporting some of the most innovative, courageous and transformative feminist movements around the world. They are a key part of the infrastructure needed for feminist movements to hold the line, advance their agendas, and resist attacks and backlash.

In the spirit of radical trust and solidarity, the Solidarity Fund is a pot of funding made to support the organisational needs of women’s funds. It incorporates participatory grantmaking as a more equitable, just, transparent and accountable form of grantmaking. This approach also seeks to cede power to women’s funds who are best placed to make the decisions that are best for their peers and thus strengthen the feminist funding ecosystem.


  • The grant amount for the 2023 Solidarity Fund will be €40,000 per grant.


  • Applicants are not required to be a member of Prospera – The International Network of Women’s Funds to be considered for funding; nascent and emergent funds are welcome to apply.  
  • Women’s funds can apply for a Solidarity Fund grant individually or as part of a larger collaborative of eligible women’s funds. Applicants may not submit more than one proposal: if they are interested in multiple collaborations, they will have to choose and submit (or be part of) just one idea. Prospera regional chapters are exempted from this rule, because they serve a large number of funds.  
  • Women’s funds who received a Solidarity Fund grant last year can apply for a 2023 Solidarity Fund grant. 


The Solidarity Fund is a fund for women’s funds. Women’s funds interested in applying must first review and meet Mama Cash’s criteria for Women’s Funds.

Mama Cash’s grant application window for the Solidarity Fund will close on February 28, 2023 at 23:59 CET. All applications need to be submitted directly to the following address:

Women’s funds interested in applying can submit a written application form or a video recording form alongside a budget form. For the written application form, download the brief proposal and budget application forms: 

For more information, visit Solidarity Fund.

Deadline: February 25, 2023

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