List Of Online Learnerships for 2023 with Stipends

Last Updated on February 23, 2023

Online Learnerships

If you are looking for online learnerships for 2023 with stipends, this is for you. A learnership is a paid job opportunity where you learn a skill set while earning a stipend. The money you earn in a learnership is usually called a stipend.

All applications for learnerships are available online. But the learnerships are conducted offline both theoretical and practical. Some people called it online learnerships.

That being said, we consider online learnerships as learnerships that can be applied online.

List of Online Learnerships

This year, there are a lot of online learnerships for 2023 with stipends available in South Africa. If you are looking for learnership, we’ve compiled a list of some of the top online learnerships for 2023 with a stipend. You can check them out here (click on links for more information about each learnership).

  • Sasol Learnership
  • Sibanye Stillwater Learnership
  • ABSA Learnership
  • Toyota Learnership
  • WNS Learnership
  • Anova Health Learnership
  • Discovery Learnership
  • Gud Holdings Learnership
  • Durban South Training Centre Learnership
  • PWC Learnership
  • Lancet Learnership
  • Tekkie Town Learnership
  • NECSA Learnership
  • Eskom Learnership
  • Pepsico Learnership
  • TFG Learnership
  • Truworths Learnership
  • Maersk Learnership
  • Bidvest Logistics Learnership
  • Redefine Properties Learnership
  • KFC Learnership
  • Tade Office Learnership
  • Standard Bank Learnership
  • Gauteng City College Learnership
  • Umuzi Learnership

How to Apply for Learnerships

If you want to apply for online learnerships, then you should first check whether the institution offers any online learnership programs. Learnerships are given by the government, companies, or private institutions to youth unemployed who qualify for them.

To apply for online learnerships you need to make sure the:

  1. Learnerships are already open applications;
  2. Applications not over the learnership closing dates;
  3. You are qualified for the learnerships, read the section on qualifications and requirements;
  4. Apply online learnerships through the way directed by the learnership providers (hand delivered, email, or online application form);
  5. Be patient, to follow the application processes.

Tips to Success in Learnership Applications

There are several ways to make sure that you will succeed in the learnership application process. First, you need to prepare yourself well before applying for online learnerships. This means that you must do some research about the company and its products/services. Second, you need to write a good resume. Third, you need to practice interview skills. Fourth, you need to network with people who work at the company. Fifth, you need to follow up after the interview. Sixth, you need to send thank you notes. Seventh, you need to keep track of your online learnership applications.

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