Kitui County Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form

Last Updated on August 28, 2023

Kitui County Recruitment

Kitui County is a county in the former Eastern Province of Kenya. Its capital and largest town is Kitui, although Mwingi is also another major urban centre. The county has a population of 1,136,187 (2019 census). and an area of 30,430 km2. It lies between latitudes 0°10 South and 3°0 South and longitudes 37°50 East and 39°0 East. Kitui County shares its borders with seven counties; Tharaka-Nithi and Meru to the north, Embu to the northwest, Machakos and Makueni to the west, Tana River to the east and southeast, and Taita-Taveta to the south.

We are recruiting to fill the following positions;

  1. Assistant Ward Based Supervisors, Thirty(30) Positions
  2. Ward Based Supervisors, Fourty (40) Positions
  3. Agri-Prenuer, Seven Hundred and Four (704) Positions

Assistant Ward Based Supervisors, Thirty(30) Positions

Requirements for Appointment:

  • Minimum academic qualification of a Diploma from a recognized post-secondary institution preferably in Agricultural Sciences, Statistics, Community Development or any other related discipline;
  • Must be computer literate and able to use a tablet;
  • Must be able to communicate in Kiswahili/English, the ability to converse in the local dialect will be an added advantage;
  • The assistant supervisors will also be identified from County Government staff and should preferably be Frontline/Field service providers;
  • Should be currently working in the target ward;
  • Participation in similar exercises involving data collection will be an added advantage; and
  • Expected to assist the ward-based supervisor in providing oversight.

Duty and Responsibility:

  • Supervise Agri-preneurs during baseline/routine data collection.

Ward Based Supervisors, Fourty (40) Positions

Requirements for Appointment:

For appointment as a Ward-Based Supervisors, a candidate must:

  • Minimum academic qualification of a Degree from a recognized University preferably in Agricultural Sciences, Statistics, Social Sciences, Community Development and any other related disciplines;
  • Must be computer literate and able to use a tablet;
  • Must be able to communicate in Kiswahili, English, and Local Dialect;
  • The supervisors will also be identified from County Government staff. Consideration will be given to the Civil Servants in the County;
  • Should be currently work the Ward that he/she will be supervising; and
  • Participation in similar exercises and experience on extension and data collection will be an added advantage.

Duty and Responsibility:

  • Supervise and backstop Assistant Ward-based supervisors during baseline/routine data collection.

Agri-Prenuer, Seven Hundred and Four (704) Positions

Requirement for Appointment: 

  • Must be between 20 – 45 years of Age with a national ID;
  • Must be an active resident of the village in which the profiling exercise is being undertaken;
  • Minimum academic qualification of a post-secondary qualifications from a recognized institution, preferably in Agricultural Sciences, Agribusiness, Statistics, Social Sciences, Community Development & related disciplines;
  • Demonstrate some experience in agriculture or agribusiness & interactions with farmers;
  • Must own a smart phone & be computer literate;
  • Must be able to communicate in Kiswahili, English & the local dialect in their locality;
  • Ability & willingness to remain personally involved & committed on full time basis; and
  • Strong past experience in community mobilization & training farmers on agricultural value chains.

Method of Application

Each application should be accompanied by detailed curriculum vitae, copies of relevant academic and professional certificates, National Identity Card or Passport, testimonials and other relevant supporting documents. 

Applications should be submitted in a sealed envelope with the position applied for clearly marked on the left side and hand delivered to the respective Ward Administrator’ offices. The applications should be addressed to the:

The Board Secretary,
Kitui County Public Service Board,
P.O. Box 33-90200, Kitui.

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