KAICIID Arab Region Dialogue Initiatives 2023 Call for Proposals (up to €5,000)

Last Updated on October 10, 2022

KAICIID Arab Region Dialogue Initiatives

The International Dialogue Centre (KAICIID) has allocated funds to sponsor short-term dialogue initiatives that focus on building bridges between diverse religious, ethnic, political, and regional communities.

Projects focusing on the following areas will be given preference:

  • Countering & preventing hate speech in the name of religion on national /regional level.
  • Enhancing the role of interreligious dialogue (IRD) in responding to crises. Preference will be given to interfaith initiatives focusing on community engagement and responses to national crises amongst vulnerable groups (elderly, people with special health conditions, women, children, refugees, etc.).
  • Incorporating principles of Interreligious Education and Common Citizenship in IRD initiatives to promote social cohesion and peaceful coexistence.
  • Promoting the protection of cultural heritage and sacred and holy sites.


  • Possible grants for individuals are up to 3,000 Euro and for organizations up to 5,000 Euro.


The Dialogue 360 project targets organizations and institutions as well as individuals who can support interfaith efforts to respond to the themes identified in this call. More specifically, these partners include the following entities:

  • Interfaith/interreligious dialogue platforms, organizations, and networks.
  • Religious leaders and faith-based organizations (FBOs).
  • Youth and women organizations and other civil society organizations.
  • Social media influencers and bloggers.


The following methods, approaches and formats can be used to address the topics highlighted above:

  • Advocacy for policy changes.
  • Capacity-building (preferably online workshops and trainings).
  • Traditional/social media engagement, live streaming events, broadcasting, radio programs, TV programs, short videos, documentaries, etc.
  • Knowledge exchange.
  • Awareness raising.
  • Policy papers, booklets, infographics, articles, and blogs.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as mobile phone applications (Apps), text messages and push notifications.

Proposals will be evaluated based on specific selection criteria. The projects should be fully implemented within six months from January to June 2023, including the submission of the final reports. All initiatives and activities should include a policy dimension, involving policymakers in the project on a local, national, or regional level, with different levels of engagement.


  • Proposals may include more than one method and multiple formats.
  • Only proposals consisting of:
    • An application form (a google form),
    • A project work and monitoring plan,
    • A detailed budget, and
    • A CV of applying individuals or a registration certificate for organization will be considered

Find the documents here for download.

  • Provide electronic copies rather than scans.
  • A preference will be given to joint proposals submitted by two organizations or more.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit Arab Region Dialogue Initiatives.

Deadline: October 15, 2022

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