Jobs For 18 Year Olds With No Experience: Top 10 List

Last Updated on July 9, 2022

If you are looking for jobs hiring 18 year olds with no experience, you have come to the right place. There are a lot of places that hire 18 year olds and equally pay them the minimum wage.

Jobs For 18 Year Olds With No Experience

Just so you know, it’s okay to want to get a job, you aren’t hurting anyone. There could even be a couple of reasons as to why you need a job. Maybe you want to save for college or help out with the bills, or save for Christmas or even get a very nice dress.

Whatever reason you may have, just know that it is not wrong.

Conversely, working as a teen has a lot of benefits. It prepares you for the labor market, helps you understand the value of money, and even teaches you the responsibility of work.

In this article, you will get to know some of the jobs that hire at 18, so stay tuned.

What Kind Of Jobs Can 18-Years-Olds Get?

Most 18-year-olds don’t have an extensive resume or a network of professional connections, but they can still get a job in almost any industry. Many companies in the service, retail and hospitality industries will train you on the job, even if you don’t have a high school diploma. People with a high school degree have even more options and can find all kinds of administrative and clerical work. 18-year-olds who want to pursue a technical career can also find apprenticeships in their field where they learn skills as they work.

Where To Find Jobs For 18 Year Olds?

If you google “jobs for 18 year olds near me”, a bunch of websites show up relating to recent vacant positions. Jobs for 18 year olds near me is a location-based term so google tries to show you the nearest job opportunities which may not be the high paying jobs for 18 year olds. High paying jobs for 18 year olds can also be found in department stores where you can go physically asking a sales manager.

Jobs For 18 Year Olds With No Experience

There are many places you can work as a 18-year-old. Although some of the employers emphasize experience, there are still places willing to hire you at 18 irrespective of your experience level.

While some will be just okay, others will offer far more flexibility, teach you a useful transferrable skill or two, and make you more money.

Here is a list of some of the jobs that hire at 18.

1.   Sell Stuff Online

There are a lot of online selling sites where you can sell your stuff and make cool cash. Things to sell online can vary depending on what you intend to sell, and most of these retail/merchant platforms allow 13 years and above to join.

2.   Product tester

Do you know you can test products and get paid for it?  This is totally TRUE because brands hire companies to find people to test their products. They do this so they can get feedback in order to make their products better.

In addition to paying you to test products, they offer surveys to get your opinion about different products. You must be 16 years old to qualify.

3.   Swim instructor

This is one of the highest-paying jobs for 18-year-olds fresh from high school. You can do this job with only a lifeguard/CPR certification.

The roles of swimming instructors include coaching others on proper swimming techniques, which include diving, breathing, and different types of swimming strokes.

It is one of few jobs that pay well for 18-year-olds, with the average hourly pay being $19.21 and $3,186 per month.

4.   Web designer

If you’re passionate about coding and designing unique web pages, becoming a web designer can be an ideal option for you. It is one of the highest-paying jobs for 18-year-olds and you do not need a bachelor’s degree to become a professional web designer. This is one of the career paths that will always be lucrative due to the massive growth in the software and technology industry.

5.   Graphic designer

Apart from being a web designer, you can also earn a good income as a freelance graphic designer. There are many websites and professional bloggers looking for good graphic designers to design flyers, brochures, newsletters, infographics, and banners for them. There are also platforms that enable you to sell custom-made designs such as t-shirts, stickers, laptop covers, pillow designs, coffee mug designs, and posters.

6.   Administrative assistant

As an administrative assistant, your roles revolve around managing and distributing information within an office. Your duties may include answering phone calls, maintaining company files, taking memos, sending and receiving correspondence, and greeting clients and customers.

You can work virtually or in a physical location. There’s also the possibility of landing a job that leads to a full career if you add the necessary training and schooling. According to Salary, the mean hourly wage for administrative assistants in the United States is about $21.

7.   Receptionist

Although working as a receptionist might not be an attractive option to most teenagers, it is still one of the high-paying jobs for 18-year-olds who lack the experience to do any other job.

It involves handling incoming calls from customers and attending to them when they visit the business’s physical location. Receptionists act as the face of the company and it is their job to handle the customers in the best possible way to retain them as repeat customers.

Starting out as a receptionist can also act as a gateway for better-paying jobs within the company, such as working in the customer care department.

8.   Pet sitter

If you love pets, why not let your love for pets help you pay the bills? There are many pet owners looking for people offering pet sitting and dog walking services. Maybe because they do not have the time to do it themselves or are not in a position to.

You will enjoy premium rates if you get someone with exotic pets because they pay more for expert services due to the highly demanding nature of the work. You can boost your wages by offering additional pet-related services such as pet grooming.

9.   Warehouse packer

Although not a fancy job, this is one of the highest-paying jobs for 18-year-olds with little to no experience. You will work in a warehouse and your main role will be to prepare products for packaging and shipment.

It does not require intense training to familiarize yourself with the packaging procedures and can take you a matter of days or a week to learn the basics.

The national average pay for warehouse packers in the United States is $12 an hour. with the top businesses paying more than $15 an hour.

10.   Freelance writer

Although it will take you a while to learn everything about being a good freelance writer, it is probably one of the highest paying jobs anyone can do, including 18-year-olds. Experienced freelance writers can earn as high as $500 per mini-project and more than $3,000 for large projects.

The hourly pay for freelance writers ranges between $23 and $35 depending on the industry and technicality of the task. Over time you’ll become an experienced writer with multiple repeat clients who pay better.

There you have it. Jobs For 18 Year Olds. However, while looking for a job, It is important you create a balance between school and work hours. Don’t forget you are a teenager that needs to rest. So go through this article and discover which job opportunity suits you. And when you do, go ahead, apply, get the job and start earning!

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