5 Best Job Search Apps in South Africa You Should Download

Last Updated on February 24, 2023

Job Search Apps in South Africa

One of the best ways to find and apply for a job is online. Job search apps make it easy to hunt for your next opportunity from anywhere, day or night. You can sign up for alerts when new positions in your field are posted and you can even zap your résumé to a hiring manager straight from your device.

Use your Smartphone to download five of the most popular South African apps to look for jobs that suit your credentials. Get your C.V. updated online with these 5 websites.

Job Search Apps in South Africa

Here are the best job apps in South Africa all job seekers need to know about.

1. The LinkedIn Job App

LinkedIn has built a professional reputation over the years, as a reliable source to find work. As a social media platform, career opportunities have burgeoned on this platform. Part of its success is that LinkedIn provides the resources to showcase your career profile, enabling employers and employees to find each other easily. Sign up for job searches in your region.

Register for notifications when similar jobs become available. Get your profile and career experience updated, together with your C.V., and you’re ready to make applications at any time.

The appeal of this site is that it allows candidates and employers to post articles in line with their interests. Posting articles that are relevant to the job market or your specific job qualifications attracts views, likes and shares.

Relevant articles can be read by potential employers, giving candidates an upper hand when impressing viewers with their knowledge.

LinkedIn is used to post work positions by some of the most prestigious South African companies, so this platform is perceived as a reliable work source. Update your details on the site, include your profile link on your C.V., and you are in a good position to make rapid, effective job applications.

2. Download Indeed’s popular job app

Search your Android or IOS store for the free Indeed job app. Register your details online and complete your C.V. to prepare your profile to make rapid job applications online. As with the LinkedIn job app, registration is free and easy.

You can type in keywords to assist your search for the type of job that you fancy the most. Sign up to receive notifications for similar job types, and conveniently apply online as suitable jobs become available.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for part-time, full-time, contract or freelance work, Indeed has options for all of these employment types.

Easy search options allow you to broaden or narrow your search as needed for the most desirable outcomes. Settings for income levels, experience, work industries and more enable job seekers another channel to extend their job search.

Use focused or general keywords to search for jobs directly related to your desired position. Extend your search with related keywords to find job descriptions that may border between two different job types, and you can pick up a wider view of jobs available that are related to your skillset. Make your life easier with the Indeed job search app for greater success.

3. Glassdoor’s job app

Most job app are similar in their functionality. What distinguishes these 5 apps is that they are popular destinations for companies to advertise their open positions. Glassdoor’s app is free to download and is user friendly across a variety of devices. Use this app on your Apple, Android or IOS device.

Register on the app to upload your C.V. for quick applications later on your computer. Navigation across the app is simple for job searches, narrowing searches with specific keywords and related parameters, and finding out more about employers.

Look for jobs that interest you, save these to apply for later if you don’t have time when a notification is received, and find other useful tips on this site. Interview tips, questions, employee reviews and more helpful information can be accessed via this app.

4. CareerJet

CareerJet launched its free job search app in South Africa in 2007. Get this job app for your Android or IOS device via the Apple or Google Play store, which has long since been localized for the South African market, as have the other apps listed here.

CareerJet app is simple to navigate and incorporates a variety of useful job search services for small screen access. You don’t need to necessarily sign up for an account to use the many services on offer, but having an account will make your job applications more efficient.

A comprehensive search function enables filtering searches aimed at locations and keywords for improved outcomes. A registered account will enable job saves and specific alerts.

Over 130 000 jobs are listed on their database, affording job seekers access to an extensive array of positions. Register your account now, get your C.V. in order and start applying for work with a few focused searches.

5. Career Junction job app

Career Junction provides job seekers with a free app, also available for Android and IOS smartphones. Get the app, register, upload your C.V. and start searching for jobs from this database today. Thousands of S.A. companies use this site to list their job openings. Navigation across this site is intuitive, and users can make use of a variety of search filters.

Look for your favourite companies to see who has positions available that appeal to you. Add options to be notified when similar jobs become available with favourite employers and others.

Narrow or broaden your search with the tools provided. Use online guides and tips to support your initiatives to improve your C.V., online presence, professional impressions and more.

Support is readily available to answer questions or you can access the FAQ on all of these apps to enhance your job search.

Make an impression with a professional C.V. Put your best foot forward by personalizing cover letters when these are requested. Answer separate questions for each application rather than relying on a standard copy and paste job. Each employer and job are unique. Meet their requirements for positive outcomes.

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