How To Study Abroad In Germany In English 2023

Last Updated on October 5, 2022

Do you want to study abroad in Germany in English? We will help you out on how to study in Germany.

 As a student, it is normal to ask the question how I can study in Germany in English when of course it’s not an English speaking country. Moreso, one will say that, to study in Germany, you’ll have to know how to speak the language “Dutch” if not enroll in the language course making schooling for Germans alone but the fact about this is wrong.

This is the essence of this article where we’ll tell you that to study in Germany in English is possible and we’ll give steps on how you can study abroad in this country. First, let us clear your impression on the question can I study abroad in Germany in English.

Can I Study In Germany In English?

 One can possibly study in Germany without having to speak Dutch because there are over 1500 offers to study programs taught in English for both Bachelor and master students in universities in Germany. One of the reasons Germany has been the top choice for over 400 thousand international students is the opportunity to study in English in Germany. Now you see that studying in Germany is not only for Germans which make it possible for you to study abroad in Germany in English.

What are the courses offered in Germany in English? The courses offered are as follows;

  • Mathematics and Natural Sciences
  • Economics
  • Engineering
  • Law
  • Social Sciences
  • Language and Cultural Studies
  • Medicine
  • Art, Art Theory
  • Sport
  • Veterinary Medicine

Where Can I Study In Germany In English?

 It is hard to find a course taught in English to study as an undergraduate course in a public university in Germany because majority of them are taught in German.

Now, what universities can provide a higher level of education in English language is another question because one will want to attend a university that offers quality education. So you need to conduct an online research by finding universities websites if they offer English study programs.

Here are some of the best universities in Germany, which offer degree courses in English:

  1. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  2. Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
  3. Technische Universitat Munchen
  4. University of Gottingen
  5. Munich University of Applied Sciences
  6. University of Bonn
  7. Saarland University
  8. Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern
  9. Universitat Hamburg
  10. ULM Universityl
  11. HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management
  12. University of Stuttgart
  13. University of Hohenheim
  14. University of Erfurt
  15. University of Freiburg

There are other best universities you can find.

We’ll proceed into how to study abroad in Germany in English having known the different fields of study and universities where English is used to teach.

But then, how much does it cost to study in Germany in English? Is another question that needs to be answered.

 It all depends on the University that you choose. Most universities in Germany are public which means that you will not have to pay any tuition fees. Whereas, private universities do charge tuition fees which may go around EUR 20,000 or more.

How To Study Abroad In Gemany In English

You first need to consider the different ways to study abroad in Germany. So it’s either you enroll or part-time courses or full time depending on your budget and goals.

The various ways to study in Germany are as follows;


This is typically the cheapest way to study overseas but entirely difficult to find English speaking programs.

With direct enrollment, you can finish your entire degree in Germany by enrolling directly with the universities as long as your university entrance qualification is accepted. If this is not the case, you can take specific courses to bring it up to date.

You have to take a good look at the programs to see if they are all in English. it is always easy to find a Master’s or Ph.D. program in English, but you can also find Bachelor’s programs. A great resource for support, information and scholarships is the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Note that with direct enrollment, students receive no support in applying for visa, signing up for courses and making travel arrangements.


This is the most common way to study abroad in Germany through your university. You have to ask your university which partner institutions you can choose  in Germany. Often it is also possible to go to a university outside of the established options, but accreditation is much easier if you choose a partner.

If you decide to be part of a direct exchange program for your studies in Germany, enrollment and most logistics will be taken care of. Sometimes universities even help with accommodation, and in the ideal case, all the courses you take abroad count towards your degree in your home country.


These are independent organizations that coordinate study abroad programs with host universities. Students who study through a study abroad program provider will benefit from the expertise of the organization and will have options that fit their budget and travel objectives. Examples of third-party study abroad providers include CIEE, IES Abroad, and API. While these programs are usually more expensive than the other options, they take care of all the logistics to get you safely settled in-country and often include excursions and cultural experiences.

Having known the ways,


 Choose the right course and university to attend. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has a data 1,389 programs in English but unfortunately, opportunities to study in Germany in English at undergraduate level are currently limited, though there are some courses taught in English for the first two to four semesters and then changing to Germany. This allows you to study in English while improving your proficiency in German, particularly as your university may offer German language classes.


Before applying to study abroad, check that your current qualifications are recognized by your chosen university. To study in Germany you need to have a recognized Hochschulzugangsberechtigung (HZB), meaning ‘higher education entrance qualification’.

For prospective undergraduate students, a high-school diploma, school-leaving certificate or university entrance exam result is required whereas English taught courses, you’ll need to prove your knowledge of the language with IELTS or TOEFL tests. Universities will usually state the score/s they require on their websites.


To purchase a student visa, you will need to show proof that you have around €8,700 per year (~US$10,000) to cover your living costs. The cost of living varies too depending on the location because some locations have high cost of living in Germany.

I’ll advice that you apply for any available scholarships if you do not have enough finances in order to support you studying in Germany at various study level.


For most subjects, you can apply directly to the international office of the university. You can apply for some number of times to increase your chances of being admitted.  Use the website for international students  by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), though not all universities use this.

Submit your applications at least six weeks before the deadline incase of any casualties. After the registration, expect an acceptance l or rejection notification one month after the deadline. However, application deadlines vary between institutions, and the same institution may set different deadlines for each program. So be sure to carefully check the specific dates for your chosen course.

The required documents needed for application are;

  • A certified copy of your high-school diploma or previous degrees, and any other recongnized qualifications in the original language
  • A translated overview of your course modules and academic scores
  • A certified transcript of your score from previous education
  • A passport photo
  • A copy of your passport (personal information and photo ID page)
  • Proof of English language proficiency test score either IELTS or TOEFL
  • A resume
  • GRE or GMAT if required
  • Portfolio is optional
  • Letters of recommendation and letters of motivation is optional

You may also need to pay an application fee.

Students from outside Europe should apply as normal whereas students from the EU should apply through the foundation of Higher Education Admission.


The requirements for obtaining a student visa for Germany depend on your country of origin. You can find an overview of the countries for which a student visa is or isn’t required on the Foreign Federal Office’s website. 


Once you’ve gained the admission, it is advisable to start looking for accommodation because most German universities do not offer accommodation to enrolling students. Your rent expenses will vary on the part of the country you live to study. There are student-oriented cities such as Heidelberg and Freiburg where you pay lesser than if you were living in eastern Germany.

Once you’ve found a place to live, register at the ‘residents’ registration office’ (Einwohnermeldeamt) or the ‘citizens’ bureau’ (Bürgeramt).


 Before you start your course and using the university facilities, you have to enroll by registering every semester with the university.

To enroll, you’ll need to have the following;

  • your passports photos
  • Your visa or resident permit
  • Completed registerstion form
  • Higher educational enterance certificate
  • Notice of admission
  • Evidence of adequate knowledge of German or English
  • Evidence of statutory health insurance in Germany
  • Payment receipt for the semester fee

Once you’ve enrolled, you will receive a registration certificate which acts as a provisional student ID, allowing you to apply for your residence permit and register for classes.

Having enrolled, it’s time to settle and study.


To study abroad in Germany in English, it is very possible which you’ll have to pass through some procedures or process of applications. More over the university you are applying for matters as their school fee differs, their offer coupled up with the cost of living depending on the location of the school. To study in Germany in English you’ll need to first choose a university, get to know the necessary requirements needed for applying, get your finances ready, apply, get a student visa, look for accommodation, and then enroll in the universities you’ve gotten admission.

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