How to Apply for Housing Allowance in South Africa

Last Updated on April 13, 2023

Housing Allowance in South Africa

The housing allowance is paid as a monthly contribution to qualifying employees to assist with the recurring costs of their accommodation. Employees must enroll with GEHS to access any and all services offered by the scheme.

The Housing Allowance will help you to gain access to owned or rented accommodation by assisting you with your monthly housing costs.

What is a Housing Allowance?

A Housing Allowance is a sum of money that the Education Department pays you every month, in addition to your salary, in order to assist you in paying for the rent or installment on your home.

Who may apply for a Housing Allowance?

  • Any permanently employed Public Educator or Public Service Official.
  • You must be renting your residential premises as a tenant via a formal written agreement or you must own your residential property (homeowner) to apply for the allowance.
  • If both you and your spouse are working for the Public Service, then only one of you will qualify for the Housing Allowance. However, should you and your spouse be stationed in different magisterial districts for operational reasons and you maintain two separate homes, then both of you could access the Housing Allowance.
  • If you share a house with a number of other independent employees but have separate rental agreements then each employee will qualify for the Housing Allowance.
  • Closed corporations, trusts, and companies do not qualify for the allowance.

What are the conditions of the Allowance?

  • You and/or your immediate family must live in the home.
  • The home must be located in South Africa. If you are being transferred abroad you may under certain special conditions continue to receive the Housing Allowance.

Where can one obtain the required forms for a Housing Allowance?

All the relevant forms can be downloaded from the DPSA website on, the “Human Resources Management Guidelines for Schools” which is available at your school or from your nearest District or Provincial office.

How do you apply for a Housing Allowance?

Step 1: Complete the Housing Allowance form

  • If you are a homeowner, you complete and sign the Housing Allowance application form for Home Owners.
  • If you are a tenant, you complete and sign the Housing Allowance application form for Tenants.

Step 2: Attach Supporting Documentation

  • Attach the following supporting documentation if you are a homeowner:
  • Certified copy of the Title deed or Ghost deed report or an original Tax Invoice from the financial institution;
  • Permission to occupy certificate (PTO) (if applicable);
  • Installment Sale Agreement (if applicable);
  • A leer from the NHFC-funded lender/ intermediary or an original Tax Invoice from your financial institution.

Attach the following supporting documentation if you are a tenant:

  • Offer to purchase/Deed of sale which includes the occupational rent clause (if applicable);
  • Rental agreement (if applicable);
  • Sworn affidavit for occupancy.

Step 3: Submit the application form

Submit the completed Housing Allowance application form together with the relevant supporting documentation to your school administrator or forward it to the district office.

Step 4: Receive a Letter of Approval/ Rejection

  • If your application is approved by your district or provincial office you will receive a letter of approval from your school Principal.
  • If your application is rejected by your district or provincial office you will receive a letter of rejection from your school Principal.

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