How To Apply For Tax Compliance Certificate in Kenya 2023

Last Updated on November 9, 2022

Do you want to apply for Tax Compliance Certificate in Kenya? Here’s a complete guide to help you on the process. Find details below on how to apply for tax compliance certificate in Kenya 2023.

How To Apply For Tax Compliance Certificate in Kenya

About six years back, before iTax, people had to go to Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) offices or download the forms from the website, and after filing, you had to submit them back to the office.

Then after that, you had to wait for days to get an approval or rejection.

Luckily, in the past couple of months, KRA has worked round the clock to ensure that the taxpayers can access services conveniently, and quickly.

Thanks to digitization of most KRA transactions, you can easily apply for the KRA tax compliance certificate through iTax.

It is important to note that you do not have to wait until someone asks you for the certificate. Apply today. If not today, then do it right now.

Here, in this article, we are going to share the step by step process on how to get a KRA Tax Compliance Certificate straight from iTax.

What is iTax?

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) upgraded the tax collection and management system from Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS) to the new iTax System.

iTax enables ever Kenyan citizen of legal age to file KRA tax returns online with ease and efficiency.

This innovation was introduced to Kenyans by KRA on March 1st, 2014 and can be accessed on KRA’s official website.

Apart from filing returns, you can also follow through on your payments using iTax and access your data at any time from any location in or outside the country.

You can now file KRA income tax returns online from the comfort of your couch or your office.

What is a Tax Compliance Certificate?

The Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC), otherwise known as KRA Clearance Certificate, is a document that’s used to show your tax compliance as provided by the law; that is, paying your (individual taxpayer or a company) taxes and filing your tax returns.

It is very essential, as there are certain situations, where a taxpayer is not able to transact, without a tax compliance certificate in Kenya.

When do you need a Tax Compliance Certificate?

1. When entering into a contractual agreement with the government of Kenya or bidding for state tenders

2. When applying for jobs especially in the government of Kenya agencies

3. When you need to clear imported goods and services through the customs office

4. If you are requesting an immigration clearance letter

5. When applying for a work permit or a Kenyan citizenship

6. When processing a Security Commission License, and a Liquor license

7. When you are registering a security firm

8. When applying for a foreign artist performance certificate

How to update your KRA PIN to iTax

It has become mandatory for Kenyans with an old ITMS Personal Identification Number (PIN) to update to iTax.

Even those applying for a new PIN must apply for a KRA PIN using the iTax option. All previous PINs issued manually or through the ITMS system must be updated and registered into the new system.

Consequently, you need to have or apply for a KRA PIN before you can apply for the certificate.

Here is how to update your KRA PIN to iTax

1. The first thing is to access the iTax portal. This will send you to the iTax online services page.

2. Enter your PIN number and click on “Continue.” Note that if you have never applied for a PIN, you should apply for a KRA PIN. If you have already updated your PIN to iTax, you need to reset your KRA PIN Password.

3. You will get a message: “You have not updated your details in iTax. Click here to update.”

4.  A new page will appear where you will select taxpayer type and citizenship. Taxpayer type is either individual or non-individual (for a company, NGOs, and others).

5. Fill in your national identification number, date of birth and security stamp. Click on “submit.” Confirm you want to submit the data.

6. The iPage update page will open and most of your details will be auto-populated.

7. Check that all the information is okay in all tabs. You can update any information you want such as the address and contact details.

Ensure the email provided is the right one because your updated PIN will be sent to it. The income tax will be automatically set to what you had previously chosen, and you cannot change it unless you visit any KRA office.

How To Apply For Tax Compliance Certificate in Kenya

1. Go to the KRA iTax Portal and enter your PIN to proceed.

2. Next, enter your Login ID (KRA PIN) and password then just below answer the security question and click the login button.

3. Once you’re logged in into your iTax dashboard, go to the menu and select Certificates. In the certificates sub-menu, select Apply for Tax Compliance Certificate (TCC).

4. In the next page, you’ll be required to provide a reason for making the application. Once you’re done writing the reason, click the Submit button.

5. You should now get a message alerting you that your Application for the Tax Compliance Certificate has been submitted successfully.

You’ll be provided with an acknowledgment number with which you can track your application and a link to download the acknowledgment receipt in PDF form.

You will also get an email from KRA acknowledging this application.

6. Now you’ll have just wait for a few days as your application is reviewed. Once complete, the certificate will be sent the email address you registered your KRA PIN with for you to download.

How to print a KRA Tax Compliance Certificate

When your certificate is ready, the Kenya Revenue Authority will send an email.

The certificate is in PDF form so you’ll have to print it.

Download the form from your email then print it.

How to check the validity of your Tax Compliance Certificate

Now that you know how to get a tax compliance certificate from KRA, here is how you can verify its legitimacy.

The Kenya Revenue Authority has provided various tools for checking the validity of your KRA tax compliance certificate.

For you to do this all you need is a tax compliance certificate number found on the top right corner of the TCC.

Here is the procedure:

1. Log in to iTax

Click on the “Useful links” tool on the far right side of the portal after ‘certificates’, as you can see on the first image under ‘Steps on how to get KRA tax compliance certificate online’. Then select “TCC Checker.”

2. Enter the KRA tax compliance certificate number, and the security stamp then click verify

3. KRA then generates the name of the holder, PIN and the tax compliance certificate status.

4. Alternatively, you can search the words KRA tax compliance checker and click. Enter the tax compliance certificate number, and KRA will generate the necessary details.

Note: KRA does not charge any fee for a tax compliance certificate.

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