Habitat for Humanity Africa Housing Forum Innovation Awards 2022/2023 ($5,000 prize)

Last Updated on March 28, 2022

Are you doing something innovative to improve access to affordable housing in the African region? Apply now for the Habitat for Humanity Africa Housing Forum Innovation Awards 2022.

Habitat for Humanity Africa Housing Forum Innovation Awards

The Africa Housing Forum Innovation Awards promote innovations in affordable housing solutions across multiple sectors to decrease the housing deficit. The awards seek to demonstrate the importance of strategic collaboration that fosters innovations, especially through people-public-private-partnerships. The focus of these awards will be to promote and reward initiatives that address real need and provide affordable, disaster-resilient, inclusive, and sustainable solutions with an added lens of COVID-19 pandemic considerations.


  • ShelterTech (sponsored by the Hilti Foundation) – Technology innovations including products and services, led by the private sector, that provide practical solutions to affordable housing challenges and can be commercially scaled and replicated to reach more low-income households and communities are encouraged to apply for this category.
  • Best Practices – Practices originated by public or public-private partnerships, which contribute to improved communities and settlements and increased access to affordable housing for the most disadvantaged segments of society.
  • Public Policies – Actions or plans across all levels of government that help reduce the housing deficit while taking into consideration the specific needs of minorities and vulnerable and marginalised populations.


  • 3 winners (1 per category)  will receive cash prize $5,000.
  • Top 12 finalists will be invited to present their initiatives to at the Africa Housing Forum on May 13, 2022
  • Each winner will be invited to join the Habitat for Humanity delegation and attend the World Urban Forum in Katowice, Poland in June 2022, with paid travel and accommodation costs.
  • Finalists and winners will benefit from Habitat for Humanity and its partners’ marketing and visibility efforts.


Organizations with initiatives within Africa region are eligible to apply.

  • Category 1: Organizations, companies, startups to scaleups, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovation institutions and agencies are invited to submit technological solutions (products or services) which respond in an innovative way to problems, challenges, or opportunities in the affordable housing market. Applied technology that reduces costs and favors the access of vulnerable and excluded groups to a sustainable and quality housing and habitat, allowing to make more efficient and intelligent the design, planning and management of the habitat for the development of healthier, greener, more inclusive, and resilient dwellings and cities.
  • Category 2: This category is exclusively aimed at the public sector with its different levels of government (municipal, metropolitan, subnational, national, etc.) and public partnerships (associations, network of institutions, etc.), as well as public companies and public agencies at different levels and sectors.
  • Category 3: This category is open to social and territorial organizations, municipalities, national and sub-national governments, foundations and corporations, consulting firms and private companies, academia, research centers, multilateral organizations, and civil society representatives, as well as any other interested organizations.


Choose the relevant category for your innovation and fill out the submission form in English.

Click here to apply

For more information, see contest guidelines and visit AHF IA.

Deadline: March 31, 2022

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