2022 GMS Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program

Last Updated on June 9, 2022

GMS Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program

The Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Program (CCESP) is accepting applications for pilot demonstrations relating to the priority themes of the CCESP.

Demonstrations are one of the main activities of the CCESP in order to help enhance climate resilience, green growth, and environmental quality in the GMS. The program plans to have 27 demonstrations relating to the different themes (such as demonstrations on gender-responsive community resilience projects, and on the circular economy, pollution control, and waste management, etc.).

Through these demonstrations, the CCESP plans to pilot climate action practices, innovative technologies, and financing instruments. These demonstrations could eventually be scaled up or lead to wider investments.

Priority Themes

The program’s six priority themes are:

  • Climate and disaster resilience,
  • Low-carbon transitions,
  • Climate-smart landscapes,
  • Environmental quality through pollution control and sustainable waste management,
  • Digital technology for climate actions and environmental sustainability, and
  • Financing low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure and technology.


  • Each demonstration project will have a budget of $40,000.


The proposals can be developed and submitted by any of the following entities in Asia:

  • Working Group on Environment (WGE) coordinators and relevant government departments and agencies;
  • Development partners;
  • Civil society organizations and community-based organizations;
  • Private sector;
  • Academia and research institutes.

Below are some ideas from initial discussions with the WGE based on the six themes:

  • Climate and disaster resilience – gender-responsive community resilience projects (only)
  • Low-carbon transitions – green freight; low-carbon agriculture; green energy technologies
  • Climate-smart landscapes – transboundary landscape project; capacity building for rangers in protected areas
  • Environmental quality through pollution control and sustainable waste management – air-water-soil-plastic pollution from agriculture and industry emissions/effluents/wastes, plastic pollution due to COVID-19
  • Digital technology for climate actions and environmental sustainability – application of blockchain technology for waste management; drone technology for forest management
  • Financing low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure  and technologies –demonstrations on innovative climate and disaster risk financing instruments; improving financial mechanisms for the natural resources and environment sector (e.g., nature-based solutions and climate-smart agriculture); financing the decarbonization of the transportation and energy sectors (e.g., demonstration on the use of emissions trading mechanisms and carbon credits)

Selection Criteria

  • Clarity of concept notes with clear outputs, implementation plan, and achievable within timeframe
  • Having transboundary characteristics, and/or meeting the national needs and interest
  • Building on previous achievements, successes, and supporting national policy/strategies
  • Having sufficient capacity, staffing, commitment and institutional support for carrying out the demonstrations
  • Resulting in increased capacity for up-taking innovative technologies and financing modality for enhanced climate resilience, green development, and environmental quality
  • Gender inclusiveness and participation (at least 30% of women benefiting from demonstration)
  • Collaboration of private sector or civil society organizations in project implementation or cofinancing.
  • Regional upscaling
  • High potential for large investment in the GMS Investment Framework


  • Proposals must be submitted using this proposal form, providing all the information needed.
  • Email the proposal to Ms. Qudsia Sadiq at gms-ccesp@ramboll.com.

For more information, visit CCESP.

Deadline: July 1, 2022

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