How To Apply For Future Rural Africa Female Researchers Grant 2022

Last Updated on May 18, 2022

Future Rural Africa Female Researchers Grant

The aim of the grants is to promote female researchers at all stages of their careers. Support is given to creative scientific ideas that fit the content of the Collaborative Research Center (CRC) in the broadest sense and are not covered yet. Hereby, applications from all connected sciences are welcome. The grants are designed to enable female researchers to gain more visibility, expand a network, or build more expertise.

The CRC studies newly emerging issues of social-ecological transformation and future-making in Africa, taking social-ecological transformation in rural Africa as its starting point. These transformations focus on conservation, intensification, and infrastructure in three priority countries: Kenya, Namibia and Tanzania. Social-ecological transformation is conceptualized as an expression of “future-making” and studied from various disciplines.


  • The amount of the grant is €5,000 Euro each. Depending on the needs, the grant is awarded to one female scientist each or split among several applicants.
  • The money may be used for research-related expenses, but not for living costs. It may be spent on travel expenses, consumables, fees and assistance or services. All expenditures are first reviewed for funding eligibility by the Department of Research Management at the University of Cologne. The research project must take place this year as all receipts must be submitted by early December 2022.


  • Open to female master students, PhD students, Postdocs and Junior Professors who are part of or associated with the Collaborative Research Center “Future Rural Africa”.
  • Applications from scientists from the CRC’s African partner countries are strongly encouraged.


Candidates must include a description of the research idea and its implementation (about 2 pages), a description of the required funds and a CV of the applicant.

The deadline for applications is July 31, 2022. Applications should be sent via email in PDF format to

For more information, visit Female Researchers Grant.

Deadline: July 31, 2022

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