FPCC Youth Empowered Speakers Program 2022 (up to $29,550 grants)

Last Updated on April 14, 2022

FPCC Youth Empowered Speakers Program

Are you a B.C. First Nations student age 18-30 who is interested in learning your language while working towards a rewarding career as a language immersion teacher or early childhood immersion educator? Start your application to First People’s Cultural Council (FPCC) Youth Empowered Speakers (YES) Program today!

The YES program provides training, paid work internships and funding to pursue your education. It also includes a living allowance in addition to mentor-apprentice language learning. The goal of program is for youth to learn their language while preparing for a career in language revitalization in one of two streams:

  • Early Childhood Immersion Educator Stream for ECE students alongside their education
  • Language Immersion Teacher Stream for BEd. students alongside their education


  • The grant amount is up to $29,550.


  • Open to youth aged 18-30 who are members of a First Nations community in British Columbia. You do not need to be living in your community (on reserve) to be eligible; urban applicants are also eligible.
  • Early Childhood Immersion Educator Stream: Applicants must apply and be accepted for, or be currently enrolled in, an Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. This program is done alongside the student’s studies in an ECE program.
  • Language Immersion Teacher Stream: Applicants must apply and be accepted for, or be currently enrolled in, a Bachelor of Education (BEd) program. This program is done alongside the student’s studies in a BEd program.


The application deadline is April 25, 2022. The project term is from July 1, 2022 – April 30, 2023.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit YES Program.

Deadline: April 25, 2022

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