Top 100 Examples of Simile You Should Know

Last Updated on September 29, 2021

Examples of Simile

Most of us have used simile in our everyday conversations. Consciously or not, it is one of the most commonly used figures of speech that is now entering our everyday vocabulary. Knowing the various similes can be helpful, especially for aspirants of competitive examinations like IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, etc.

To help you understand what this literary device is and how it is used, this article provides detailed guidance on definitions and examples of simile, and how it can be used in a sentence.

Meaning of Simile

A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things that have similar properties or characteristics. Similes are often confused with metaphors, which is another different figure of speech used for comparison. The easiest way to identify a simile as opposed to a metaphor is to look for the words ‘like’ or ‘as’. Thus, the best examples of simile include ‘as’ or ‘like’ such as “as cute as a kitten”.

100 Examples of Simile

Now that you are familiar with what simile means, we have compiled a comprehensive list of some of the popular examples of similes you must know about! Check out the following list of similes:

1. As black as coal

Example: His face became as black as coal after being criticised.

2. As blind as a bat

Example: My uncle is as blind as a bat without his spectacles.

3. As cool as a cucumber

Example: While all of us were panicking just before the declaration of the results, Naina was as cool as a cucumber.

4. As brave as a lion

Example: While fighting the war, the soldier was as brave as a lion.

5. Cunning like a fox

Example: Don’t trust his words, he is cunning like a fox.

6. As cold as ice

Example: The expression on her face was as cold as ice.

7. As busy as a bee

Example: My wife is as busy as a bee in the mornings.

8. As clean as a whistle

Example: The maid has done a good job, the hall is as clean as a whistle

9. As soft as velvet

Example: I just love my new blanket, it is as soft as velvet!

10. As sharp as a razor

Example: In spite of being over 75 years of age, my grandmother’s mind is as sharp as a razor.

11. As white as snow

Example: The clothes she wore were as white as snow.

12. As white as a ghost

Example: Her face became as white as a ghost when she spotted the burglar in her house.

13. As fresh as a daisy

Example: You still look as fresh as a daisy after finishing all the work!

14. As stiff as a board

Example: I am sure that he is very nervous, he is standing as stiff as a board on the stage.

15. As proud as a peacock

Example: She is as proud as a peacock after getting selected for the lead role in the drama.

16. As gentle as a lamb

Example: My grandmother may seem scary to others, but she is actually as gentle as a lamb.

17. As bright as a button

Example: She seems to be as bright as a button!

18. As strong as an ox

Example: Although he has lost some weight, he is still as strong as an ox.

19. As hot as hell

Example: How can you bear to go out in this weather? It is as hot as hell!

20. As tough as leather

Example: My brother can help you in moving all these furniture, he is as tough as leather!

21. As bright as the moon

Example: Her eyes shined as bright as the moon on receiving her birthday gift.

22. As thin as a rake

Example: How can you eat so much and still be as thin as a rake?

23. As wise as an owl

Example: This problem seems tough! You can only solve this if you are as wise as an owl!

24. As clear as crystal

Example: She loved visiting the lake high up in the mountains, whose water was as clear as crystal.

25. As smooth as silk

Example: Her voice is as smooth as silk.

26. As stubborn as mule

Example: It’s no use trying to change his mind, that man is as stubborn as a mule.

27. As silent as the grave

Example: He knew something was wrong when he found his friends as silent as the grave.

28. As light as a feather

Example: This shawl is made from very fine material, it’s as light as a feather!

29. As old as the hills

Example: Her grandmother’s love story was as old as the hills.

30. As straight as an arrow

Similes in Everyday Language

You can use similes in everyday language and that make you look as smart as a fox! You saw what we did there? Now let’s see all the similes that you can use in your everyday life.

  1. As innocent as a lamb
  2. As tough as nails
  3. As shiny as a new pinAs hot as hell
  4. As white as a ghost
  5. As bright as a button
  6. As cool as a cucumber
  7. As cold as ice
  8. As light as a feather
  9. As sweet as sugar
  10. As blind as a bat
  11. As common as dirt
  12. As tall as a giraffe
  13. As hard as nails
  14. As cute as a kitten
  15. As bold as brass
  16. As happy as a clam
  17. As black as coal
  18. As American as apple pie.
  19. As big as an elephant.
  20. As black as coal.
  21. As blind as a bat.
  22. As boring as watching paint dry.
  23. As brave as a lion.
  24. As busy as a bee.
  25. As cold as ice
  26. As cool as a cucumber
  27. As cunning as a fox
  28. As dead as a doornail
  29. As deaf as a post
  30. As difficult as nailing jelly to a tree
  31. As dry as a bone
  32. As dull as dishwater
  33. As easy as ABC
  34. As old as the hills
  35. As pale as death
  36. As fit as a fiddle
  37. As flat as a pancake
  38. As free as a bird
  39. As fresh as a daisy
  40. As gentle as a lamb
  41. As good as gold
  42. As hard as nails
  43. As heavy as lead
  44. As helpless as a baby
  45. As honest as the day is long
  46. As hot as blue blazes
  47. As hungry as a bear
  48. As cheap as dirt.
  49. As clean as a whistle.
  50. As clear as mud.
  51. As clear as crystal.

Similes in Classic Literature

Literature has some of the best usages of similes. From Virginia Woolf to Shakespeare, every famous writer and poet has used similes to accessorize their literature. Let’s check out some of the best examples of similes in Classic Literature:

  1. “Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.”- Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet
  2.  of reach.” — Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott
  3. “Old Marley was as dead as a door-nail.”- A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
  4.  “The water made a sound like kittens lapping.” — The Yearling, by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
  5. “Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
  6. Or fester like a sore— And then run?”— Harlem by Langston Hughes

Similes in Song Lyrics

There are many song lyrics that have used similes in their lyrics to enhance them. Let’s check them out:

  1. “Hit me like a ray of sun, Burning through my darkest night”- Halo by Beyonce
  2. “Questions of science, science and progress
  3. Do not speak as loud as my heart”- The Scientist by Coldplay
  4. “Shine bright like a diamond
  5. Find light in the beautiful sea
  6. I choose to be happy”- Diamonds by Rihanna
  7. “If all it’s gonna cause is pain
  8. Truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain
  9. So let the river run”- River by Eminem
  10. “I see both sides like Chanel
  11. See on both sides like Chanel”- Chanel by Frank Ocean
  12. ” Body Like a Back Road” By Sam Hunt

Difference Between Simile and Metaphor

The questions where one has to identify that the given sentence is a simile or a metaphor are the trickiest. Thus, while understanding or going through the examples of simile, it is important to understand the difference between simile and metaphor. Latest understand the difference between the two-

Venue comparison is made using connecting words such as ‘like’ or ‘as’ the sentence refers to simile. Whereas, whenever a direct relationship is established between two things, the sentence is a metaphor in nature.

For Example:

  • He seemed bright like the sun when I met him last. 
  • He is the son and the sun of the family. 

The first sentence depicts the use of simile whereas the second one is a metaphor.

Metaphors are considered to be stronger in nature because they directly cite a comparison between things rather than just indicating that they are similar. On the other hand, similes are majorly used for comparison where the readers are assisted to understand a subtle connection between things.

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