Best Computer Engineering Universities (2023 List)

Last Updated on September 10, 2022

Computer Engineering Universities

In an advanced world driven by technology, Computer engineering has fast become an integral part of science as it deals with designing, building, and testing computer components and systems. Computer engineering is one of the most sought-after courses and professional fields that require high-quality learning.

 The choice of where to study is a good concern since Individual schools have different strengths and weaknesses in helping students gain professional skills. This article will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the best computer engineering universities in the world you might want to consider. But before that, let’s look at what computer engineering primarily involve.

What is Computer Engineering?

Computer engineering in simple terms is the science that deals with evaluating, designing, and maintaining computer hardware and software systems. It is as well the branch of electrical engineering that integrates several fields of computer science and electronic engineering.

Computer Engineering is a blend of hardware and software although a master’s in Computer Science will be more oriented toward the software components of computers. There are numerous opportunities in the field of computer engineering with great benefits such as job security, a good source of income, as well as interesting and diverse employment opportunities for one to enjoy.

There are several good computer engineering schools around the world one could enroll in, but below are some of the best.

Best Computer Engineering Universities

Below is a list of some of the top computer engineering institutions in the world;

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department of MIT in Cambridge consistently ranks as the best computer engineering university in the world for good reasons. This institution offers one of the top computer engineering programs. MIT provides good knowledge on foundational hardware and software systems, to cutting-edge machine learning models and computational methods which address critical societal problems. It has 20 research centers, including its Center for Computational Engineering for research and innovation.

2. Stanford University

Stanford University is a private university in California and has a leading computer engineering school well equipped for learning and research activities. This school’s computer engineering undergraduate program is aimed at introducing students to the design, analysis, and application of computers and computer-based systems through various courses and laboratory experiences. It provides a caring and supportive environment to relentlessly curious students who learn best by doing. It is a great place to study as its programs will help you build an in-depth understanding of computational science and software development while learning innovative technologies.

3. University of California

 The University of California situated in Berkeley, California is remarkable for research, innovation, and good teaching. It has a prestigious computer engineering school that is highly equipped in training students in the various skills to solve real-world computer engineering problems. Here, you’ll find the opportunity of working with accomplished professors who are so advanced in their field. Its curriculum includes a core of mathematics, physics, and chemistry for undergraduate computer engineering students. This institution has over 40 research centers at the engineering college where students have the opportunity to learn and conduct research.

4. Carnegie Mellon University

This institution is seen among the best computer engineering schools in the world and has remained a top choice for students who are interested and passionate about the modern techniques of computer engineering. Carnegie Mellon situated in the city of Pittsburgh offers flexible computer science programs focused on research projects and academic activities. In most recent years, it has produced a good number of outstanding computer engineering graduates.

5. The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign

University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign located in Urbana, Illinois is ranked No.5 among the best computer engineering universities in the world and is remarkable for combining lectures, discussions, and laboratory and research programs of the highest quality in educating students.  Its core curriculum focuses on fundamental computer engineering knowledge including circuits, systems, electromagnetic, computer systems, electronics for information processing and communication, and computer science. Furthermore, it integrates engineering design, communication, and teamwork throughout its curriculum. The qualitative range of ECE elective courses in addition to labs will enable you to focus on any sub-discipline of computer engineering.

6. Georgia institute of technology

The Georgia Tech College of Engineering continues to be recognized as an elite computer engineering school among the well-ranked public institutions around the globe. This institution is situated in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America. It offers two undergraduate degree programs: electrical engineering and computer engineering. Both programs include elective hours, enabling students to individually tailor their programs to provide emphasis on a particular specialization or exposure to a broad range of subjects.

7. University of Michigan Ann Abor

The College of Engineering at the University of Michigan–Ann Arbor is home to one of the oldest and most respected international computation programs. It is located at the Lurie H. Engineering center in Ann Abor, Michigan. It offers cutting-edge topics in computer engineering to help students gain the necessary skills in order to tackle modern problems.

8. Princeton University

 This renowned university is a renowned Ivy League institution situated in Princeton, New Jersey in the C230 Engineering Quadrangle. Princeton University gives students the opportunity to perfect the computer engineering skills they need to be part of a thriving industry. It has an extended record of excellence and innovations.

9. California Institute of Technology

The California Institute of Technology is a private research university in Pasadena, California renowned worldwide for its strength in science and engineering. Being among the best computer engineering universities in the world on our list, the California institute of technology is among a small group of institutes of technology in the United States which is also devoted to offering various computer engineering programs. Many distinguished professionals in the field over the last years received their training at Caltech.

10. Cornell University

Cornell’s School of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers broad and exceptional educational training in electrical and computer engineering built upon a foundation of science, mathematics, computing, and technology. It is no doubt rated one of the best schools for computer engineering students around the world.


The choice of where to study as an aspiring computer engineer plays a vital role in your career development since it requires lots of technological involvement. Going to the best computer engineering university, therefore, leaves you with more advantages in that field.

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