We Create Change Programme For Kenyans 2023

Last Updated on September 9, 2022 We Create Change Programme

We Create Change is an immersive transformational leadership programme that equips emerging changemakers with skills for digital campaigning.

The programme aims to build a community of advocacy champions in Kenya. This programme is organised by as part of their mission to empower the most marginalised groups in society, and aims to support youth to identify their purpose and agency and develop their digital campaigning expertise. We Create Change is the successor to She Creates Change, which was launched in India in 2017 and has trained over 300 women across India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Columbia and has had a transformational impact on building movements and driving systems change. The programme alumnus have won 50 policy level changes, mobilizing over 12 million signatures as public support.

The key focus is building advocacy champions, the program will train community leaders, persons from marginalized communities and people that are passionate about mobilising others through digital campaigning to create an impact in their communities on issue areas such as health, sanitation, education, gender equality and climate change. They are looking for 40 changemakers who want to lead powerful campaigns on issues of health, sanitation, education, gender equality and climate change.


  • will make all the virtual arrangements and provide a data package to selected finalists.


  • Open to candidates who are passionate about health, sanitation, education, gender equality and climate change;
  • Want to lean and use digital campaigning to bring change;
  • Are open to diverse points of view and have taken action in the past for their cause area;
  • Preference will be given to youth, between the age of 18-35, belonging to and/or working with marginalised and underrepresented communities across Kenya.


Fill out the form so the organisers know you’re interested in undertaking the We Create Change journey and becoming part of this vibrant and powerful change makers community. Only fully completed applications will be considered.

Click here to apply

For more information, visit We Create Change Programme.

Deadline: September 20, 2022

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