Central Bank of Kenya Recruitment 2023/2024 Application Form Is Out

Last Updated on March 30, 2023

Central Bank of Kenya Recruitment 2023

The Central Bank of Kenya is a public institution established under Article 231 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010. The Bank is responsible for formulating monetary policy to achieve and maintain price stability and issuing currency. Pursuant to the CBK Act, the Central Bank promotes financial stability through regulation, supervision and licensing of financial institutions under its mandate. The Bank also provides oversight of payment, clearing and settlement systems. All these efforts are geared towards fostering liquidity, solvency and proper functioning of the financial system. The Bank also formulates and implements foreign exchange policy and manages foreign exchange reserves. CBK is the banker for, adviser to, and fiscal agent of the Government. In discharging its mandate, the Central Bank contributes to the country’s economic development and growth, and promotes the interest of the public. The Bank strives to carry out its statutory mandate effectively and efficiently guided by the principles of integrity and transparency.

Central Bank of Kenya Recruitment 2023

We are currently recruiting to fill the following position;

  1. Governor (1 Post)
  2. Deputy Governor

Governor (1 Post)

For appointment to the position of Governor, Central Bank of Kenya, a person should: 

  • be a citizen of Kenya;
  • be a fit and proper person of recognized professional standing;
  • have a Bachelors and a Masters degree in any of the following fields: Economics, Banking, Finance or Law;
  • have over ten (10) years’ experience at senior management level in the field of economics, banking, finance, law or other fields relevant to the functions of the Central Bank;
  • have knowledge or experience in monetary, financial, banking and economic matters or other disciplines relevant to the functions of the Central Bank;
  • have a deep understanding of global financial sector trends; and
  • be a person of integrity and meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
  • In addition, a person should demonstrate the following behavioural and general 


  • Leadership and people management including performance management, coaching and mentoring.
  • High level interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, including ability to build consensus, alliances and collaborative relationships with sensitivity to diversity.
  • Vision, with in-depth knowledge of the state of financial development in Kenya, within the wider global economy and the linkages within different economic sectors as well as across regions.
  • Critical and analytical thinking and problem-solving skills – ability to understand issues from multiple perspectives/layers and take account of the wider business context when crafting solutions.
  • Commitment to consistent delivery of the highest quality outputs, with deep technical understanding and attention to detail.
  • Organizational and administrative skills.
  • Excellent public relations skills with all potential users of Bank knowledge, work and statistics – analysts, academics, professional bodies and other international organizations and government agencies.
  • Familiarity with the work of other multilateral and bilateral development 
  • institutions and the private sector, especially their roles in supporting the financial reform agenda.
  • Ability to think strategically and design long-term plans and programs to develop staff competences in line with strategic priorities.
  • Ability to consider emerging trends, developments and long-term opportunities and align organizational requirements with desired outcomes.
  • Oral and written communication skills – ability to communicate clearly, simply and in a structured manner; and to use communication tools appropriately and effectively.
  • Ability to listen and communicate effectively with oversight bodies, senior management and government officials.
  • Knowledge and ability to ensure good governance practices.
  • Risk management-ability to identify operational and market risks and develop mitigating measures. 

The Governor shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Bank and, subject to the general policy decisions of the Board, shall:

  • be responsible for the management of the Bank including the organization, appointment and dismissal of the staff in accordance with the general terms and conditions of service established by the Board;
  • have authority to incur expenditure for the bank within the administrative budget approved by the Board; and
  • be the principal representative of the bank and shall in that capacity have authority to:
  • represent the Bank in its relations with other public entities, persons or bodies;
  • represent the Bank, either personally or through counsel, in any legal proceedings to which the Bank is a party; and
  • sign individually or jointly with other persons contracts concluded by the Bank, notes and securities issued by the Bank, reports, balance sheets, and other financial statements, correspondence and other documents of the Bank. 


  • No person shall be appointed as Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya if he/she is:
  • a Member of Parliament or a Member of a County Assembly;
  • a salaried employee of any public entity (except on a secondment basis);
  • a director, officer, employee, partner in or shareholder of any specified bank or specified financial institution. 
  • The Governor shall not engage in any paid employment or business or professional  activity outside the duties of his/her office.


  • The Governor shall hold office for a term of four years, but shall be eligible for re[1]appointment for one further term of four years.
  • The Governor shall be paid by the Bank such salaries and allowances as may be determined from time to time

Deputy Governor

For appointment to the position of Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Kenya, a person should: 

  • be a citizen of Kenya;
  • be a fit and proper person of recognized professional standing;
  • have a Bachelors degree in any of the following fields: Economics, Banking, Finance, Law or any other field relevant to the functions of the Central Bank;
  • have over ten (10) years’ experience at a senior management level in the field of Economics, Banking, Finance, Law or any other field relevant to the functions of the Central Bank; and 
  • be a person of integrity and meet the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.

In addition, a person should be able to demonstrate: 

  • Knowledge or experience in monetary, financial, banking and economic matters or other disciplines relevant to the functions of the Central Bank.
  • Leadership and people management skills including performance management, coaching and mentoring.
  • High level interpersonal and cross-cultural skills, including ability to build consensus, alliances and collaborative relationships with sensitivity to diversity.
  • Vision, with in-depth knowledge of the state of financial developments in Kenya, within the wider global economy and the linkages within different economic sectors as well as across regions.
  • Critical and analytical thinking and problem-solving skills with the ability to understand issues from multiple perspectives/layers and take account of the wider business context when crafting solutions.
  • Commitment to consistent delivery of the highest quality outputs, with deep technical understanding and attention to detail.
  • Organizational and administrative skills.
  • Excellent public relations skills with all potential users of Bank knowledge, work and statistics – analysts, academics, professional bodies and other international organizations and government agencies.
  • Familiarity with the work of other multilateral and bilateral development institutions and the private sector, especially their roles in supporting financial reforms agenda.
  • Ability to think strategically and design long-term plans and programs to develop staff competencies in line with strategic priorities.
  • Oral and written communication skills – ability to communicate clearly, simply and in a structured manner and to use communication tools appropriately and effectively.
  • Ability to listen and communicate effectively with oversight bodies, senior management and government officials Knowledge and ability to ensure good governance practices.
  • Risk management – ability to identify operational and market risks and develop mitigating measures. 


  • The Deputy Governor shall perform such functions as assigned by the Governor from time to time. 

No person shall be appointed as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Kenya if he/she is:

  • a Member of Parliament or a Member of a County Assembly;
  • a salaried employee of any public entity (except on a secondment basis);
  • a director, officer, employee, partner in or shareholder of any specified bank or specified financial institution.
  • The Deputy Governor shall not engage in any paid employment or business or professional activity outside the duties of his/her office.


  • The Deputy Governor shall hold office for a term of four years, but shall be eligible for re-appointment for one further term of four years.
  • The Deputy Governor shall be paid by the Bank such salaries and allowances as may be determined from time to time.

Method of Application


  • Serving public officers will be required to resign or be granted leave of absence if successful.
  • The names of all applicants and those shortlisted shall be published in the print media and on the Commission’s website.
  • Applicants should attach current and valid clearances from the following bodies:
  • Kenya Revenue Authority; 
  • Higher Education Loans Board;
  • A Registered Credit Reference Bureau;
  • Directorate of Criminal Investigations (Police Clearance Certificate);
  • Printed Online Self-declaration Application Acknowledgement Receipt or a Self-Declaration Form duly stamped for this job application by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission; and
  • Recommendation from relevant professional bodies and associations (whereapplicable).


  • Each application should be submitted together with detailed curriculum vitae, a copy of ID/Passport, copies of academic certificates, testimonials, publications (if any) and any other relevant supporting documents.

Applications should be submitted:

In a sealed envelope clearly marked “Application for Governor, Central Bank of Kenya or Application for Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Kenya” and addressed and delivered to:The Secretary/CEO,
Public Service Commission,
Commission House,
P.O. Box 30095 – 00100

Online via email: cbk2023@publicservice.go.ke 

All applications should reach the Commission, on or before 19th April, 2023 (latest 5.00 p.m.)

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