Best Medical Schools In Canada 2022: Top 10 List

Last Updated on July 19, 2022

Get full and concise information about the best medical schools in Canada 2022 with these medical school rankings provided through careful research.

Best Medical Schools In Canada

Best Medical Schools In Canada 2022

The following are the top 10 best international universities for medical studies in Canada.

1. University of Toronto

With its extensive medical education and cutting-edge research, The University of Toronto has been recognized as the top university in Canada by almost every ranking platform. The institution also belongs to the top 20 medical schools in the world. Its medical education is evidence-based and student-centered, which allows students to be extremely knowledgeable.

And with the training conducted on world-renowned hospitals, it is no wonder that their student success rate is high. The best thing about it is despite being the best medical school in Canada, the University of Toronto is one of the few medical schools in the country that is open to international students.

2. McGill University

McGill University is the oldest medical faculty in Canada, established in 1829. As one of the present leading medical research universities, the school values innovation; and practice putting the patient at heart, Science in hand, which translates into their medical education as transforming students to become highly skilled empathic physicians. The university also accepts international students but of a small proportion.

3. McMaster University

Unlike the previous two medical universities, the medical education at McMaster University only lasts for three years with 11-months per school year. But like the first two, it requires completion of a four-year undergraduate program for international applicants and Canadian students, at least three years of post-secondary studies. Aside from the excellent medical education, this top medical school in Canada also claims to provide one of the best clinical clerkship experiences in partnership with Hamilton Health Sciences faculties and Hamilton Hospitals.

4. University of Montréal

The University of Montréal, one of the best medical schools in Canada, is a French-speaking schools in Quebec with 175 years of service. The school also has one of the largest admission of students in medicine and produces a third of the medical personnel in Quebec. It is recognized globally for its outstanding education, research, and contribution to health care improvement.

Their medical program duration is 4-5 years consisting of a preparatory year for those who did not meet the minimum units required from previous undergraduate programs; a two-year pre-clerkship, and the last two-years for clinical internships. If you want to study at the University of Montréal, learn French and pass the proficiency language exam, as their only language of instruction is French.

5. University of Calgary

Like most medical schools in Canada, The University of Calgary gives priority to Canadian citizens or permanent residents, especially to students in the same province, in this case, in Alberta. The University of Calgary generally does not accept individual applications of international students.

The only international students they admit are those from institutions or countries with formal and contractual agreements with their Cumming School of Medicine. The completion of their medicine program only takes three-years. It is patient-centered and presentation-based learning that the students can already work with patients in their first year.

6. Queen’s University

Unlike the previous schools, Queen University has a relatively high percentage of international students, with 11.9% in the undergraduate and 27.4% in the graduate population. The Queen’s University School of Medicine accepts up to five international students per year. They offer a four-year medical program with an emphasis on hands-on clinical engagement. This top medical school in Canada also provides post-graduate medical education or residency program, a pre-requisite to practice in Canada.

7. Dalhousie University

Dalhousie University also offers a four-year program for medicine accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) and the Committee on Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools (CACMS). The program has three phases: Med 1, Med 2, and a Clerkship (Med 3 and 4). Med 1 and 2 focuses on basic sciences like Anatomy and Physiology, Biology, and more. It also includes a discussion of the different philosophical, ethical, and practical views in health care.

Between the succeeding sections, from Med 2 to 3, 3 to 4, and 4 into the residence, there will be four discussions incorporating the Introduction to Clerkship and Critical Review and Mastery (CRAM). The Research in Medicine program will also be introduced during the first year in Med 1 and resumed during the last year in Med 4 as part of the requirement to graduate. After graduation, the students can also opt to take their post-graduate training at Dalhousie University concerning family medicine.

8. Laval University

The three medical universities in Quebec, namely: University of Montréal, University of Sherbrooke, and Laval University, are all French-speaking institutions. The medical program Laval University offers usually lasts for four years. They do not have a preparatory year as such in the University of Montréal, but if the student did not pass the French Proficiency test, he/she must have to take one or more French courses before admission. The program also has two consecutive and complementary stages. After at least two years of fundamental medical education, the students can then take pre-externship courses and proceed to the clinical internship for the remaining two years.

9. University of Sherbrooke

Next on our list of best medical schools in Canada is the University of Sherbrooke, whose medical program also takes place for four years. The first and a half years involve pre-clinical training and the remaining one and a half years to clinical training, done on-campus or international-partnership facilities. The program is competency-based with an emphasis on clinical practice and collaboration. The University of Sherbrooke is also the first Canadian francophone medical university recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) for its excellent health education.

10. Memorial University of Newfoundland

The Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Medicine is at the heart of many health facilities and hospitals such as H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre, Janeway Children Hospital, Medical Education Centre, and a Health Sciences Centre. That said, medical education in the university is highly conducive to medical research and training. Memorial University only accepts five international students per year despite being one of the largest medical schools in Canada.

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