Last Updated on July 29, 2022

The Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College (MLFTC) at Arizona State University (ASU) invites applications for up to two postdoctoral scholar positions in the area of educational leadership.
Educational Leadership, a programmatic unit in the Division of MLFTC’s Educational Leadership and Innovation brings together faculty, aspiring leader learners, school district practitioners, and community collaborators to offer a Principal Pathways Master’s Degree Program in three modalities and a Superintendent Pathway. They are also building Master’s Degree program for learners who wish to work as leaders in a variety of education and community contexts.
An essential current topic in Educational Leadership is the role of overt and structural racism, both current and historical, in differential access to and outcomes of education for Black students. Consistent with the focus of the ASU Charter on measuring educational success based on who is included and how they succeed, MLFTC’s Educational Leadership unit will hiring 2 Presidential Postdoctoral Scholars in Education Leadership, each with initial terms of two years. These scholars will address in their scholarship one or more of the following areas: the overrepresentation of Black students in the school discipline to prison pipeline, the disproportionality of Black students in special education, and the lack of Black leaders. The postdoctoral scholars will engage in full-time research and teach two courses per year.
- Applicants should have earned doctorate degree in Educational Leadership, Policy, or a related field by the position start date;
- Engaged in research centered on the experiences of Black learners, educators, and leaders;
- Demonstrated actions to support and increase diversity, equity, and inclusion within academia or a community.
Desired qualifications
- Scholarly expertise in critical examinations of issues in one or more three areas: the overrepresentation of Black students in the school discipline to prison pipeline, the disproportionality of Black students in special education, and the lack of Black school principals, lead teachers, and others serving leadership roles across schools, districts, and communities;
- Experience teaching in higher education;
- Demonstrated experience as a school, school district, or community leader.
Application materials should include:
- Curriculum vitae
- Letter of interest describing how you meet the qualifications noted above
- Diversity statement addressing how your past and/or potential contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion will advance ASU’s Charter
- Contact information for 3 references including email addresses.
For more information, visit Arizona State University.
Deadline: September 1, 2022