Last Updated on May 19, 2022

Are you interested in getting recruited by the Africa International University? Then you are on the right platform. We have exhaustively communicated all the important and recent updates, related to this recruitment exercise. Kindly read to the end, to get all the necessary information, concerning the requirements, guidelines, qualifications, and application for the 2022 Africa International University recruitment.
Table of Contents
About Africa International University
Africa International University is a chartered Christian university. It was started as Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST) in 1983 by the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).
The goal was to provide training for pastors beyond the basic certificate and diploma levels. This was informed by the envisioned crisis of ‘Christo-paganism’ in African Christianity without African Biblical theologians with advanced training to provide leadership in combating this trend.
The objective was not simply for the enrichment of the scholar, but the ordinary believer in the church who was often poorly taught and vulnerable to a confused understanding of Christian truth. The establishment of Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology was seen as a viable instrument to that end.
AIU was awarded a university charter by the government of Kenya in March 2011. It has since continued to develop undergraduate programs, particularly in Business, IT, Development Studies and Counselling Psychology.
At Africa International University, we seek to be a learning community that practices loving God and neighbours with heart and mind. Our education perspective embraces disciplined, rigorous critical thinking and allows for the nurturing of relationships, creativity, and innovation. We are committed to offer education with a passion for God, God’s word and God’s world, passion for truth, integrity, service, and passion for excellence, justice, beauty, life, and creation.
Education with passion seeks to have students explore their God-given abilities and inspire their personal growth and development.
Critical to this pursuit is a core university teaching staff that strives to integrate the evangelical faith with their disciplines.
Africa International University Recruitment 2022
Africa International University has been undergoing massive job recruitment intake annually for the past years. We’ve received numerous requests by aspirants on various platforms yearning for legit information about the Africa International University application form and guidelines for 2022/2023. Many applicants have been asking us questions like;
- How Can I Apply for The Africa International University Recruitment 2022?
- Where Can I Obtain The 2022 Africa International University Recruitment Form?
- Is The Africa International University Recruitment 2022 Form Out?
- When Will The Africa International University Recruitment Start?
Keep reading this article as you will find answers to the above queries.
Requirements for Africa International University Recruitment 2022
The Africa International University is an equal opportunity employer that seeks to recruit the most qualified persons for the job. To qualify for the 2022 Africa International University recruitment, candidates must;
- Be a Kenya citizen
- Applicants must be no younger than 18 and no older than 35
- Applicants must possess a legal ID document
- You must have a diploma or degree in your field of application where applicable
How to Apply for Africa International University Recruitment 2022
To apply for Africa International University recruitment 2022, visit the official website at:
- Locate Vacancies/Careers page
- Select a vacant job and fill all requirements.
- Submit and print out the reference form if any.
The names of successful candidates will be published, and these people will be contacted for further recruitment interviews.
Africa International University Recruitment Deadline 2022
IMPORTANT! Currently, Africa International University recruitment 2022 has not yet commenced. DISREGARD any form of advert you come across. This page will be updated immediately after the recruitment form is out. You can also keep visiting this page or the Africa International University recruitment portal to stay updated once the recruitment form is out.