Call for Applications: AfDB Coding for Employment Program 2021 (Stipend available)

Last Updated on November 21, 2021

AfDB Coding for Employment Program

The AfDB Coding for Employment program will train over 500 digital ambassadors to lead a peer-to-peer training model set to expand digital skills to more African youth, especially in rural communities with limited internet connectivity.

Coding for Employment and its technical partners, Microsoft Philanthropies, will offer the digital ambassadors an intensive three-month program featuring in-demand skills, such as web design and digital marketing, as well as soft skills such as critical thinking, project management and communication.

At the end of the coursework, the Bank and Microsoft Philanthropies will provide graduates with information and communication technology toolkits and resources so they can offer the same training within their local communities.


  • Digital ambassadors will receive stipends and have access to the digital skills training centers in Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, and Rwanda.
  • They will also have access to a network of employers, private sector partners and freelancing platforms.


  • Applicants should be aged between 18 and 35 years;
  • They are expected to be proficient in English or French;
  • Must be citizens of Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, or Senegal.


Register to become a Coding for Employment digital ambassador:

For more information, visit AfDB.

Deadline: December 31, 2021

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